Station Information:Hyslop Weather Station
Latitude / Longitude: 44° 38' 03"/123° 11' 24"
Elevation: 230'


(Note: All figures are for the previous day. Readings are taking at 8:00 AM local time every day. For questions about the data, contact Dan Curry )

Weather Data archives

Growing Degree Days

Other Sources

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

The Hyslop site weather data from 1893 to the present are all available from NOAA. Once you are on the site, you will need to search for "Corvallis" and then select "Corvallis State University".

AgriMet: Cooperative Agricultural Weather Network


Current Months Weather Data

Date Ending at Observation Max Ending at Observation Min At Observation 8AM Ground Level Max Ground Level Min 2 inches - Max 2 inches - Min 4 inches - Max 4 inches - Min 8 inches - Max 8 inches - Min 20 inches - Max 40 inches - Max Rain (in) Snow (in) Accumulated Growing Degree Day* 24 Hour Air Movement** Evaporation (in)
2024-07-01 83 54 66 87 54 85 73 81 72 66 63 62 63 0.00 1861 38 0.24
2024-07-02 83 47 58 89 47 89 71 84 72 67 63 62 64 0.00 1879 71 0.31
2024-07-03 80 50 58 84 51 88 71 84 71 67 63 63 64 0.00 1898 91 0.27
2024-07-04 82 53 65 85 55 90 73 86 73 68 64 63 65 0.00 1917 79 0.32
2024-07-05 92 57 74 95 55 90 72 85 72 68 62 63 64 0.00 1941 86 0.49
2024-07-06 100 55 74 103 54 97 74 89 74 71 69 65 65 0.00 1966 68 0.42
2024-07-07 102 57 70 104 54 97 75 91 79 73 67 65 65 0.00 1993 48 0.42
2024-07-08 101 59 80 104 57 95 75 91 76 72 67 63 65 0.00 2019 40 0.52
2024-07-09 102 63 81 105 63 96 77 91 77 73 68 65 66 0.00 2047 68 0.47
2024-07-10 103 55 71 108 55 97 79 91 78 74 69 65 66 0.00 2073 47 0.43
2024-07-11 93 55 66 100 55 101 78 92 78 73 69 67 66 0.00 2097 63 0.45
2024-07-12 88 51 63 94 57 95 77 95 76 73 68 67 66 0.00 2118 80 0.47
2024-07-13 83 51 60 93 51 96 78 91 77 75 70 68 67 0.00 2137 62 0.37
2024-07-14 93 54 64 100 54 96 77 92 77 74 70 68 67 0.00 2160 52 0.34
2024-07-15 93 53 66 100 54 96 77 92 77 73 69 67 67 0.00 2183 51 0.39
2024-07-16 90 58 70 96 58 95 76 91 77 74 70 67 67 0.00 2206 61 0.37
2024-07-17 98 55 61 103 55 96 77 91 78 74 70 67 68 0.00 2231 98 0.43
2024-07-18 88 49 62 92 48 93 76 90 77 73 68 67 68 0.00 2251 55 0.30
2024-07-19 89 49 64 95 48 95 75 90 75 73 68 67 68 0.00 2272 49 0.30

Monthly Weather Data

July, 2024 Air Temperature
Ending at Observation Max Ending at Observation Min Rain Evaporation
Normal 81.40 52.00 0.53
Average 91.70 53.90
Departure 10.30 1.90 -0.53
Total     0.00 7.30