

O’Malley KG, Fitzpatrick CK, Olsen KC, Couture R (2024) Evaluating spring Chinook salmon releases above Foster Dam, on the South Santiam River, using genetic parentage analysis. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Portland, OR. PDF

Dayan DI, Lorion CM, O’Malley KG (2023) Population structure of Oregon coastal chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) and considerations for carcass tissue sampling. Science Bulletin 2023‐07. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem. 28 pp. PDF

O’Malley KG, Dayan DI, Fitzpatrick CK, Couture R (2023) Evaluating spring Chinook salmon releases above Cougar Dam, on the South Fork McKenzie River, using genetic parentage analysis. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

O’Malley KG, Dayan DI, Fitzpatrick CK, Bohn S, Grenbemer GA (2023) Evaluating spring Chinook salmon releases above Detroit Dam and below Big Cliff Dam, on the North Santiam River, using genetic parentage analysis. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

O’Malley KG, Dayan DI, Mazur S, Green LJ, Fitzpatrick CK, Wells A (2022) Evaluating the genetics of naturally produced Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) captured in the Lower Rogue River (OR) in 2020. Science Bulletin 2022‐09. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem. 19 pp. PDF

O’Malley KG, Fitzpatrick CK, Van Dyke D, Samarin PA, Pease D, Semrow M (2022) Identification of homozygous fall run Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) returning to Cole Rivers Hatchery on the Rogue River (OR). Science Bulletin 2022‐08. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem. 20 pp. PDF

O'Malley KG, Bohn S, Fitzpatrick CK (2021) Adult salmonids trap and transport success above dams. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

Ford M, Nichols K, Waples R, Anderson E, Kardos M, Koch I, McKinney G, Miller M, Myers J, Naish K, Narum S, O’Malley KG, Pearse D, Seamons T, Spidle A, Swanson P, Thompson T, Warheit K, Willis S (2020) Reviewing and synthesizing the state of the science regarding associations between adult run timing and specific genotypes in Chinook salmon and steelhead. Report of a workshop held in Seattle, WA. 27-28 February 2020. 42 pp. PDF

O’Malley KG, Van Dyke D, Samarin PA, Bohn S, Clements S (2020) An evaluation of “early” and “late” run alleles in Rogue River Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Information Report 2020-06. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem. 24 pp. PDF

O’Malley KG, Bohn S, Whitman L, Lewis M (2020) Genetic analysis of Chinook salmon in the Clackamas Basin, 2015-2018. Information Report 2020-04. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem. 20pp. PDF

O’Malley KG, Mazur S, Green LJ, Bohn S, Wells A (2020) Evaluating the genetics of naturally produced Chinook salmon in the lower Rogue River fishery. Information Report 2020-02. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem. 11 pp. PDF

Kock TJ, Perry RW, Hansen GS, Haner PV, Pope AC, Plumb JM, Cogliati KM, Hansen AC (2019) Evaluation of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) fry survival in Lookout Point Reservoir, Western Oregon, 2017. U.S. Geological Survey. PDF

O’Malley KG, Bohn S (2018) Genetic parentage analysis of Fall Creek spring Chinook salmon: An evaluation of return timing and functional gene diversity.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

O’Malley KG, Black AN, Johnson MA, Jacobson DP (2017) Evaluating spring Chinook salmon reintroductions above Detroit Dam, on the North Santiam River, using genetic parentage analysis. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

O’Malley KG, Black AN, Johnson MA, Jacobson DP (2017) Population productivity of spring Chinook salmon reintroduced above Foster Dam on the South Santiam River. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

Banks MA, Sard NM, O’Malley KG, Jacobson DP, Hogansen M, Johnson MA (2016) A genetics-based evaluation of the spring Chinook salmon reintroduction program above Cougar Dam, South Fork McKenzie River,  2013-2015. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

O’Malley KG, Evans ML, Johnson MA, Jacobson DP, Hogansen M (2015) An evaluation of spring Chinook salmon reintroductions above Detroit Dam, North Santiam River, using genetic pedigree analysis.  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

O’Malley KG, Evans ML, Johnson MA, Banks MA, Jacobson DP, Hogansen M (2015) Genetic parentage evaluation of spring Chinook salmon reintroductions on the South Santiam River. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

O’Malley KG, Roegner C (2014) Evaluating the population genetic structure of Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) off the Oregon coast.  Oregon Wave Energy Trust. PDF

O’Malley KG, Evans ML, Johnson MA, Banks MA, Jacobson DP, Hogansen M (2014) Genetic parentage analysis of spring Chinook salmon on the South Santiam River: insights into population productivity and reintroduction strategies. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

Banks MA, Sard NM, O’Malley KG, Jacobson DP, Hogansen M, Johnson MA (2014) A genetics-based evaluation of the spring Chinook salmon reintroduction program above Cougar Dam, South Fork McKenzie River, 2007-2013. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

Banks MA, O’Malley KG, Sard N, Jacobson DP, Hogansen M, Schroeder K, Johnson MA (2013) Genetic pedigree analysis of spring Chinook salmon outplanted above Cougar Dam, South Fork McKenzie River. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. PDF

Markle DF, O’Malley KG, Terwilliger M, Baki P, Truemper H, Simon D (2011) Umpqua chub population estimate. Final Report USFWS Grant # E-2-54. PDF