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College of Agricultural Sciences
Department of Horticulture
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Nicole Sanchez
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Nicole Sanchez
Associate Professor (Practice)
Home and Small-scale Commercial Horticultural Production and Management Issues
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Extension Service Site Publications
How to create a pollinator-friendly landscape
No matter the space available, there is a way to support and enhance pollinators in the home landscape. An Extension Service guide provides tips on how to do that with information specifically for Oregon.
How to tell friend from foe among garden insects
For home gardeners, seeing insects on their plants can be a cause for alarm. But not every insect poses a threat. Here are some clues to look for to discern the beneficial insects from the damaging ones.
How to recognize the signs of Verticillium wilt
Verticillium wilt is a fungal disease that attacks plants and trees and disrupts the circulation of water and nutrients. Although it is best diagnosed by lab testing, here are some signs that gardeners can look out for.
Seed packet info is a gardener's guide
Seed packets have helpful information that assists vegetable gardeners in making the best choices for particular situations whether the goal is increased production, disease resistance, seed saving or quick maturity.
Use worms to speed up the composting process
Red wigglers are the wonder worms of composting. In areas where naturally formed compost takes forever to develop, inviting actual worms into your home via vermicomposting may be worthwhile.
Honeybees aren't the only hard-working pollinators
When most people think of pollinators, they think of honeybees. But there are literally hundreds of species of pollinators all around us — including native bees and a variety of other insects.
How drought stress affects landscape trees
Drought creates stress on trees that isn't always obvious until it's too late. It's often difficult to connect the dots between a lack of water and a problem. Here's a look at how drought stress affects trees.
Some culinary herbs can double as flower displays
Most culinary herbs lose their distinctive flavors when they start to bloom. But the flowers they produce share characteristics sought in cut flowers: fragrance, long stems and long vase life.
The basics of selecting garden seeds
In the winter, many gardeners' heads are filled with visions of flourishing plants and bountiful harvests. Making those visions into reality starts with seeds. Here's what to consider when deciding on seeds to buy.
Timing is key to treating fruit trees
It can be challenging to grow fruit trees in areas like the Klamath Basin where frost and bloom time occasionally intersect. Even when everything is done just right, there will be years when no fruit will be produced.
What to plant to survive cool spring nights
In areas with warm days and cool nights during the spring, gardeners can be lured into thinking anything can go into the ground. But those cool nights can be killers. Here's a look at how to avoid this springtime trap.
Thoughtful use of water in the garden pays off
How can home gardeners use water in the most efficient way possible? Here's a look at the best ways to deliver water in the garden and keep it available to be absorbed by plants for as long as possible.
Herbs are easy to grow and have many uses
Herbs include some of the easiest plants to grow. In addition to culinary uses, herbs offer fragrance, oils that deter pests and flowers that support pollinators. Here's a look at how to grow five popular varieties.
New to the garden? Here are a few tips
For new gardeners, that first growing season will provide many lessons. Foremost among them are that gardening takes patience and discipline. Here are some tips for first-timers, especially those in cooler climates.
Lettuce is an easy choice for the home garden
Lettuce is one of the easiest and fastest vegetables to grow, a natural choice for both new and experienced gardeners. Lettuce is well suited for both in-ground and container gardening. Here are some tips for success.
A home gardener's guide to growing blackberries
Blackberries are ubiquitous in Oregon but to grow them in the home garden takes some planning and know-how. Choosing the right variety for your environment and proper off-season care are key to success at home.
Containers and raised beds offer options for gardeners
Not every yard is suited for in-ground gardening. In rental situations or in areas with poor soil, garden space must sometimes be “created.” That's when raised beds and containers come into play.
Different varieties of strawberries require different care
To successfully grow strawberries in a home garden, understanding the needs of particular cultivars is possibly the biggest challenge for long-term fruit production. Not all strawberries are cared for the same way.
How to keep deer away when a garden fence isn't practical
For gardeners, deer can be a formidable foe. The only sure-fire defense is the double fence, which is costly and unsightly. But there are several other tactics that, while not permanent solutions, can keep deer at bay.
Root crops can jump-start your spring garden
For vegetable gardeners who are eager to get going in the spring, root crops are a reliable choice. Radishes, carrots, beets, turnips and onions just need some good soil and consistent watering to jump-start a garden.
Don't trust online tips for repurposing kitchen scraps
When it comes to information about growing plants from kitchen scraps, the internet can be an unreliable source. Questionable online tips often lead experimental repurposers to abandon their efforts prematurely.
Five insights into plant cold hardiness
Cold hardiness is an important consideration in Klamath Falls and similar climates. According to the USDA cold hardiness map, Klamath Falls is in Zone 6B. This tells us that the average annual winter minimum temperature here is -5 to 0°F.
Demystifying garden fertilizers
Consider the variety of fertilizers at any garden center: It’s apparent that fertilizer is not one size fits all. Understanding fertilizer basics helps gardeners avoid mistakes and get the most from their plants.
Getting the most from your backyard bean crop
Beans of all kinds are a good crop for beginning gardeners because they're easy to grow. Still, some knowledge about how beans grow best will increase the chances for a bountiful harvest.
Day-neutral Strawberry Production in Central Oregon
Learn how to grow strawberries commercially in Central Oregon. The high desert region of Central Oregon can be a particularly challenging place to grow strawberries and other horticultural crops. Despite the challenges, strong demand for locally grown crops prompted some Central Oregon growers to explore using adapted cultivars and season-extension approaches to make strawberries a viable crop.
Growing Kiwifruit in Your Home Garden
This guide will walk you through all the details on planting, fertilizing, irrigating, pruning and training so you, too, can grow delicious kiwifruit.
Pruning with the pros
This video series covers a variety of pruning challenges associated with older trees and mature landscapes. Pruning of mature trees that have not seen ideal care in the past can present unique challenges. In these clips, tree care pros with decades of experience will guide the viewer through the decision-making process—and solutions—to pruning larger, established trees.
Spider mite on eggplant
How to recognize and manage spider mites in the home garden
Spider mites are microscopic pests that thrive in hot, dry weather and cause damage to a variety of plants. Learn the signs of spider mite infestation, how to eradicate them and how to keep them from coming back.
Heat wave in the garden: How to identify and prevent heat stress in plants
When a heatwave hits, plants may show the impact. Learn the signs of heat stress in plants and how to help them weather a heatwave with best practices for watering, mulching, shading, providing humidity and weeding.
Growing Raspberries in Your Home Garden
Learn to grow tart, delicious raspberries in your own garden. Choose which type of raspberry to grow, and learn how to plant, prune, fertilize and water your berry patch to keep it healthy and productive.
Five ways to preserve fresh homegrown herbs
Herbs are among the easiest plants for a home gardener to grow and preserving them is simple. Here's a look at five preservation methods: refrigeration, air drying, freezing, dehydrating and making herb vinegars.
Five cold-hardy herbs to grow at home
There's nothing like home-grown herbs to add a shot of fresh flavor to a winter soup or stew. For home gardeners, these five herbs — parsley, rosemary, thyme, chives, oregano — are hardy enough to last over the winter.
When is the right time for fruit tree mulching?
Box elder bugs are a harmless nuisance
Box elder bugs can be a nuisance just by their sheer numbers in the late fall when their populations explode and they swarm structures and infiltrate homes. Here's how to play defense when the bugs come calling.
Five weird winter insects
Now that winter is settling in, gardening questions to the Extension office have diminished - but haven’t disappeared completely. After questions about transitioning plants to indoors and overwintering, winter questions are often centered on insects that find their way into homes as outdoor conditions become inhospitable. Often, insects that overwinter as adults seek shelter for the winter, taking advantage of cracks and crevices under shingles, behind siding, and the like, or are brought inside in firewood. In other cases, the environmental change when we bring plants indoors triggers premature egg hatch.
Enhancing Urban and Suburban Landscapes to Protect Pollinators
The way we garden can help promote the health of bees and other insects. This guide offers detailed plant lists, garden designs and advice on creating pollinator habitat.
Oregon Forest Pest Detector Pest Watch Bronze Birch Borer (BBB) | Monitoreo y Detección de Plagas Forestales en Oregon Barrenador del Abedul Bronce (BBB)
This is a bilingual publication (English and Spanish) for landscape workers and the public to help them protect Oregon birch trees from this damaging pest. Includes insect identification, host plants, signs and symptoms, and what to do if you suspect BBB.
Esta es una publicación bilingüe (inglés y español) para los trabajadores de jardinería y la pública, para ayudarles a proteger los abedules de Oregon. Incluye identificación del insecto, hospederos, signos y síntomas, y qué debe hacer si sospecha BBB.
Homeowner Guide to Managing Bronze Birch Borer: An Insect Killing Birches in the PNW
Learn about the life stages of the bronze birch borer and the damage it causes. Homeowners will learn to assess the damage, treat trees and prevent infestation.
Growing Blueberries in Your Home Garden
Learn to grow your own sweet, juicy blueberries in your Oregon home garden! Find out which types and cultivars of blueberries grow best where you live, and which part of your yard is best suited for production. Experts guide you through all the details on soil preparation, planting, mulching, watering and pruning. Learn to beat back common pests, tame frost and disease, and maximize production.
Take our online pruning class!
Scale up your pruning skills with OSU’s online workshop! In this expert-led course, you will build skills that will help you grow healthier bushes with even more berries.
Enroll now
Growing blackberries in your home garden
Home gardeners can enjoy a choice of blackberry varieties with fruit far superior to that of wild blackberries. What’s more, home gardeners can pick fruit from early summer all the way to the first frost. Learn how to plant, prune and pick the best blackberries while avoiding many common problems.
Growing strawberries in your home garden
Here's how to plant strawberries, fertilize them and solve the common problems that plague many gardeners. Learn which type bears fruit when.