Ripe Knowledge
Here you can find the latest berry crops information about everything from nutrient management to pest control.
Resources for production and nutrient management:
Online learning modules: Pruning and Training of Berries, Kiwifruit, and Grapes. These courses feature videos and lectures on year-round management of the major berry crops grown in Oregon. You can take just one, or sign up for all 5, and access the content for a full year!
Raspberry cultivars for the Pacific Northwest (PNW 655) was reviewed and updated in 2024.
Nutrient management of raspberries and blackberries in Oregon and Washington: PNW 780. This publication (formerly Caneberries: nutrient management) was updated in 2024 with lots of great new information and photos with input from researchers in OR, WA, and ID!
Recién traducido. Guía de manejo de nutrientes para el cultivo de fresa en Oregon y Washington
Click here for the newest blueberry tissue nutrient standards
Growing Kiwifruit: A Guide to Kiwiberries and Fuzzy Kiwifruit for Pacific Northwest Producers (revised in 2021)
Have you experienced flooding in your berry fields? Click here for information on potential impacts to your farm and what to expect in the coming year, provided by experts in the Pacific Northwest
Oregon agricultural enterprise budgets for Conventional and Organic blueberry production in the Willamette Valley (revised in 2020)
Cranberries, a nutrient management guide for south coastal Oregon
- Nutrient Management of Berry Crops in Oregon (pdf)
- OSU extension berry production publications (Use the search box in the upper right corner, or click on 'Agriculture' from the Browse by Topics list on the right, then choose 'Berries and Grapes')
Resources for production economics:
- Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Blackberries in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. Released December 2024, based on 'Columbia Star' trailing blackberry
- Costs of Producing Trailing Blackberries for an Organic, Machine-harvested Processed Market. Using information from organic research trial results at Oregon State University’s North Willamette Research and Extension Center, costs and returns of establishing and maintaining trailing blackberry (e.g., ‘Marion’ or ‘Black Diamond’) for organic production in Oregon were compiled. The cost study is provided in excel file format where growers can edit the numbers to make it more relevant for their situation. Please refer to the “Cover” and “Assumptions” sheets in the file for more information.
- Costs of Producing Erect Blackberry in Organic Production for Fresh Market: This study allows you to evaluate the costs and returns of establishing and maintaining erect blackberry (e.g. ‘Ouachita’) for organic production in Oregon. See the budget program for more information.
- Economics of berry production publications (see above for link to blueberry enterprise budgets)
Oregon Berry Commissions
The 3 berry commissions work to promote Oregon's berry crops with outreach to the public and research ranging from farming practices to breeding to benefits for human health. They also provide info on where to buy or pick Oregon berries and all kinds of great recipes using fresh and frozen berries. Check them out here!