Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center: Burns
We are proud to collaborate with USDA-ARS in research that supports beef cattle production while
addressing issues critical to rangeland ecology. Learn more about our unique partnership below.
Who we are
Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center (EOARC) is a cooperative research effort between Oregon State University and USDA-ARS (Agricultural Research Service) focusing on rangeland ecology and restoration of wildlands, environmentally compatible livestock systems, forage crops, and alternative livestock systems in the sagebrush-steppe of the Great Basin and inland coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest. The Center's research program is unique in the integration of research about beef cattle, rangeland, wildlife, watershed, and forest management.
Research on the Range
OSU’s research at the two agricultural experiment stations that comprise EOARC (Burns and Union) focuses on beef cattle production and management. Cattle have been raised in Oregon since John Quincy Adams was elected president in 1824. Cattle and calves ranked as the state’s second-leading agricultural commodity in 2016, with a value estimated at $701 million.
EOARC/OSU Extension hosted a public meeting on August 13th in Burns for residents, landowners, and agricultural producers who have been impacted by the Falls/Telephone Fires. Watch to learn about available funding and programs from representatives from Oregon Department of Emergency Management, Office of Resilience and Emergency Management, and Division of Financial Regulation as well as local organizations including Harney SWCD, NRCS, FSA, EOARC, BLM, Malheur National Forest, and Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.
Upcoming Events:
Society for Range Management, Spokane, WA - Feb 9-13, 2025
EOARC Burns Advisory Committee Meeting - February 28, 2025
Cattle AI School - March 25-27, 2025
Science in the Sagebrush Steppe - April 24-27, 2025
EOARC Field Skills Camp - May 19-20, 2025
The Oregon Wildlife Society Field Skills Camp - May 22-26, 2025
Science Support for Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation
Planning in the Northern Great Basin
Virtual Fencing - In-Service Meeting 2023
A USDA NIFA Ag2PI grant, funded a working group of Federal and State researchers, land managers, and producers to discuss virtual fence research, the creation of common terminology, standardization of data processing and analysis, and how to communicate about virtual fencing effectively to various audiences.
Virtual Fencing: Making a Base Station Mobile
Chad Boyd, USDA-ARS Research leader and member of the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center's Precision Agriculture Technology Workgroup, talks about how virtual fence technology works and some innovative solutions to make virtual fence base stations mobile.
Virtual Fencing: A Riparian Exclusion Application
David Bohnert, OSU Professor and member of the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center's Precision Agriculture Technology Workgroup, talks about utilizing virtual fencing to increase management options and flexibility when grazing montane riparian areas that are often critical habitat for threatened and endangered anadromous fish such as salmon and steelhead.
Ecosystem Management for Sage-Grouse
The Great Basin area of the western United States faces a host of challenges and threats to the health of the ecosystem including invasion of exotic annual grasses, altered fire cycles and juniper encroachment. There is substantial and growing concern over a number of sagebrush obligate wildlife species and greater sage-grouse have become the cumulative face of these concerns. This video discusses the need to address sage-grouse concerns within an ecosystem management framework which can benefit all the goods and services the land supplies, including habitat for sage-grouse.
Sage-Grouse Conservation: Linking Practices to Habitat Metrics
College Range & Ag Clubs Science in the Sagebrush Steppe
College Range and Ag Clubs provide a great conduit to explore career opportunities in the rangeland science field and to begin meeting those who work in this field. At EOARC we conduct extensive rangeland research that becomes "science managers can use" to enhance and improve rangeland management. We can learn together about the real issues facing rangeland management. You will gain some extra experience on the land in a fun setting!
Join us in 2025!

The cattle industry is a significant part of Oregon's economy, contributing over $900 million annually. It consistently ranks first or second among the state’s most-valued agricultural commodities, providing numerous employment opportu...

OSU, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), has been conducting innovative research on virtual fencing, particularly in the context of managing cattle grazing to create wildfi...

Across the state, on both dairy and beef operations, cows have been getting sick. Juliana Ranches, an Oregon State University Extension Service beef specialist, describes a rancher with cattle experiencing “running rose, running eyes a...

Oregon State University researchers have received a $1 million grant to study the impact of adding seaweed to the diets of beef cattle as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.