October 2021 – Dr. David W. Bohnert is the recipient of the Western Section American Society of Animal Science Extension Award, presented to him during the 2021 Western Section Meeting held in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Dr. David Bohnert is a leader in developing Oregon’s beef extension programs and disseminating management tools and programs, providing hands-on learning experiences for youth, and providing county faculty and producer trainings, field days, and tours. He is the Director of the Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center (EOARC). Dr. Bohnert began his career at Oregon State University (OSU) as an Assistant Professor and Extension Beef Specialist in 1998. He progressed to Professor while assuming administrative responsibilities at EOARC. His research is centered in three areas: (1) supplementation strategies, (2) management strategies, and (3) alternative feedstuff considerations. These research areas have direct application to Oregon and the intermountain west. He has strived to provide beef cattle producers with the knowledge and expertise to develop management practices that improve their overall profitability while benefiting animal welfare, rangeland health, and ecological function. In addition, he is actively involved in multi-state extension activities and committees. He has received the Young Scientist Award from the Western Section of American Society of Animal Science and OSU/College of Agricultural Sciences Briskey Award for Faculty Excellence. He has authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed publications, presented over 160 invited presentations at state, national, and international meetings, and obtained over $2.6 million in support of his programs.
The WSASAS Extension Award recognizes an individual in the western region institutions for outstanding achievements in animal science extension programs. This person has made contributions in animal science extension in areas related to livestock production, product utilization, adult education, 4-H clubs, and other cooperative livestock associations.
Western Media contact: Dr. Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe, meghanwr@asas.org