B.S. in Rangeland Sciences | 2022-2023
This is a sample schedule intended for informational purposes only. Students should consult with their OSU academic advisor to create a personalized degree plan
First Year |
WR 121 Eng Comp | 4 | COMM 111 Public Speaking or COMM 114 Argument and Crit Disc or COMM 218 Interp Comm | 3 | BACCORE* | 3 |
CH 121 Gen Chem | 5 | CH 122 Gen Chem | 5 | AEC 250 Intro to Envir Econ & Policy | 3 | |
HHS 231 Lifetime Fitness or HHS 241 | 2 | MTH 111 College Algebra | 4 | CH 123 Gen Chem | 5 | |
RNG 121 Intro Wildland Ecology | 4 | BACCORE* | 3 | SOIL 205 Soil Sci & SOIL 206 Lab for 205 | 4 | |
Total Credits | 15 | Total Credits | 15 | Total Credits | 15 | |
Second Year | BI 221 Prins of Bio | 4 | BI 222 Prins of Bio | 4 | BI 223 Prins of Bio | 4 |
BACCORE* | 3 | WR 327 Tech WR bacc Core | 3 | BACCORE* | 3 | |
MTH 241 Calc for Mngmt and Social Sci | 4 | BOT 331 Plant Physio | 4 | BOT 341 Plant Ecology | 4 | |
RNG 341 Rangeland Ecology | 3 | ST 201 Prins of STATS or ST 351 Intro to Stats Methods | 4 | RNG 353 Wildland Plant Ident | 4 | |
Elective/Option/Minor | 2 | |||||
Total Credits | 16 | Total Credits | 15 | Total Credits | 15 | |
Third Year | ANS 445 Beef Pro Systems | 4 | ANTH 466 Rural Anthro | 4 | ANS 313 Applied Animal Nutr | 4 |
AEC 351 Nat Resource Econ & Policy (Meets CGI Baccore) | 3 | RNG 352 Range Ecology II | 3 | BACCORE* | 3 | |
FW 251 Prins Fish & Wildlife | 3 | RNG 442 Rangeland Animal Relations | 4 | RNG 351 Range Ecology I | 3 | |
RNG 441 Rangeland Analysis | 4 | SOIL 366 Ecosystems of Wildland Soils | 3 | RNG 355 Desert Watershed Mngmt | 4 | |
Elective/Option/Minor | 2 | |||||
Total Credits | 14 | Total Credits | 16 | Total Credits | 14 | |
Fourth Year | RNG 421 Wildland Restor | 4 | AG 421 WR in Agri or ANS 420 Ethical Issues or FW 435 Wildlife in Agri | 3 | RNG 490 Rangeland Mngmt Planning | 4 |
RNG 455 Riparian Ecohydrol & Mngmt | 4 | Elective/Option/Minor | 12 | Elective/Option/Minor | 11 | |
RNG 457 Habitat Analysis I | 3 | |||||
Elective/Option/Minor | 4 | |||||
Total Credits | 15 | Total Credits | 15 | Total Credits | 15 | |
NOTES | Total Credits | 180 |
*BACCORE = HHS 231 + Physical Activity Course, Perspective Courses – Choose a course from each category: Western Culture, Cultural diversity, Literature & Arts, Social Processes, Difference , Power, & Discrimination (met with FW Human Dimension Course). Synthesis Courses – Choose a course from each category: Science Tech & Society & Contemporary Global Issues.