
Need to Meet with an Academic Advisor?

If you are a current student in the College of Agricultural Sciences find your advisor and make an appointment.

Contact Us

The Academic Programs Office is dedicated to supporting the students, staff, and faculty involved in facilitating academic programs for the college.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 541-737-2211

In Person: Visit Strand Agricultural Hall, Room 147 during office hours (8am-5pm PST, Monday-Friday)


Paul Broccolo

Paul Broccolo

Director of Advising
147D Strand Agriculture Hall
Corvallis, Oregon 97330 USA
Phone: 541-737-7487
Email: [email protected]

Are you a future student or current student with questions?

Clarisa Caballero-Ignacio

Clarisa Caballero-Ignacio

Coordinator of Student Outreach and Retention
158B Strand Agriculture Hall
Phone: 541-737-6959
Email: [email protected]

Wanda Crannell

Wanda Crannell

BioResource Research Advisor and Instructor
158A Strand Agriculture Hall
Phone: 541-737-2999
Email: [email protected]

Paul R. Dorres

Director of Scholarship and Education Abroad Administration
147 Strand Agriculture
Phone: 541-737-5655
Email: [email protected]

Scholarships and Education Abroad Questions?

Royce Flores

Royce Flores

Office Manager
147 Strand Agriculture Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: 541-737-2211
Email: [email protected]

Have a general question about College of Agricultural Sciences academic programs?

Katie Harvey

Assistant Director of Career Development
148 Strand Agriculture Hall
Phone: 541-737-7553
Email: [email protected]

A resource who can help you navigate career paths, job search strategies, interviewing skills, networking, resumes/cover letters and more.

Rachel Jones

Rachel Jones

Student Engagement Coordinator
148 Strand Agriculture Hall
Phone: 541-737-7410
Email: [email protected]

Undergraduate Research or Student Club Questions?

Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez

Ricardo Mata-González

Associate Dean of Academic Programs
147 Strand Agriculture Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: 541-737-7355
Email: [email protected]

José Uscanga Aguirre

José Uscanga Aguirre

Coordinator of Student Outreach and Recruitment
147 Strand Agriculture Hall
Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: 541-737-2211
Email: [email protected]

Are you a future student or hosting a recruitment event?