Summer/Fall 2024 Beginning Researcher Support Program Projects

Instructions for students - Read first

Step 1: Review the faculty project summaries (see below).

Step 2: Once you have found a project that interests you, email the project mentor (see guide to writing emails to faculty here) to set up a time to connect and learn more about the project. NOTE: Only contact 2 faculty mentors at a time. If you haven't heard back in 4 business days, followup with a second email.

Step 3: Meet with potential faculty mentors to discuss the project and potential acceptance into their lab. It is also recommended to schedule a 1-on-1 meeting with CAS Student Engagement Coordinator, Rachel Jones, to learn more about the program and conducting undergraduate research.

Step 4: Apply to the Beginning Researcher Support Program, indicating your preferred projects. Application closes Monday, May 13 @ 5pm PST. Applications will include a resume and a cover letter outlining your research interests (1 for each project to which you are applying). NOTE: if you haven't had a chance to do steps 2&3, please still submit an application so that you can be considered. There will be time after the application deadline to have meetings with faculty.


Analysis of Smoke Chemicals That Impact Grape and Wine Flavor

Faculty Mentor Names:

Dr. Cole Cerrato ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Food Science and Technology


Research modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

Oregon wines are increasingly impacted by wildfire smoke. The smoke can often impart undesirable flavor attributes of "burnt", "ashy", or "smoky" in wines produced from smoke-exposed grapes. This project addresses this issue by performing chemical analysis of smoke exposed grapes and wines. Our research questions include identifying new chemicals involved in the undesirable flavors, quantifying chemicals using new techniques, and determining how much of these compounds are in grapes and wine naturally.


Project Description:

Wildfire smoke is an increasing concern for Oregon, impacting a variety of industries due to direct and indirect exposure to wildfires. Smoke from wildfires has a unique interaction with wine grapes, imparting undesirable lingering flavors, including "ashy" and "burnt" flavors. The 2020 west coast wildfires cost the wine industry nearly $4 billion due to smoke impacts. This lab was constructed in an effort to support industry by measuring potentially smoke-impacted grapes/wine and performing research that could alleviate the impacts of smoke on the local wine industry. We look at new chemicals that could have an impact on the flavor of wine, giving researchers new avenues to mitigate smoke impacts on wine. We also evaluate the amount of the chemicals associated with smoke in unsmoked wines/grapes, to better understand the relationship with smoke intensity and specific varieties of wine. And another avenue is performing analysis of smoke impacted grapes and wines for the wine industry during times when smoke is prevalent. This is a very versatile and exciting project that focuses on giving winemakers the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about their products


Description of Work Environment:

Students will be required work in a laboratory setting on-campus, adhering to all safety protocols that they will be trained on prior to beginning in-person work.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

Student employees will be responsible for:

  1. Adhering to all safety protocols and maintaining a clean work environment
  2. Preparing grape and wine samples for chemical analysis
  3. Preparing chemicals required for any analyses
  4. Students will be trained to use liquid and gas chromatographs using mass spectrometer detectors (LCMS and GCMS, respectively)



Skills required include:

  1. Ability to accurately dilute solvents
  2. Perform basic chemical calculations
  3. Basic chemical laboratory skills, such as using a pipette, graduated cylinder, volumetric flasks, etc


Learning Outcomes:

In this project, students will:

  1. Develop and hone analytical chemistry skills
  2. Gain knowledge on the chemical impacts of smoke in wine
  3. Learn how to analyze data and use the scientific method to address real-world issues
  4. Learn how to use state-of-the-art instruments, such as LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS, and LC-QToFs
  5. How to organize and present scientific results Students can expect to have an in-depth foundation for these skills that are sought by a variety of chemical laboratories, the wine industry, and many food analysis labs


Expected start and end date:

Start of Summer 2024 term - end of Fall 2024 term


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage:


Assessing hazelnut meal as a source of human nutrition with health benefits

Faculty Mentors Names:

Dr. Jung Kwon ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Food Science and Technology


Research modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

The project will investigate the potential health benefits of peptide products generated from hazelnut meal protein following in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion.


Project Description:

Residual hazelnut meal, which is the material obtained after pressing the nuts for oil extraction, represents around 40% of the kernel mass. Hazelnut meal produced this way is generally considered a by-product and often used as a low-value feed ingredient. However, hazelnut meal contains high nutritional contents, including protein (35-55%) and various micronutrients such as Vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, and calcium. This suggests a high potential for hazelnut meal to be upcycled and used to support human nutrition. This project will focus on the initial research development utilizing hazelnut meal of Oregon cultivars and evaluating the potential health benefits of peptide products generated from hazelnut meal protein digestion. Specifically, the project will focus on producing protein concentrate from hazelnut meal by isoelectric precipitation method and evaluating potential health benefits of peptide products generated from hazelnut meal protein following simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion.


Description of Work Environment:

Primarily lab work on campus, computer-based analysis.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

The student will perform experiments by working closely with graduate students in the lab. The student is expected to read scientific literature associated with their project, analyze the data, attend weekly lab meetings, and present their data.



The student must have the following skills and qualifications.

  • Excellent written and oral communication skills;
  • Time management skills and a strong sense of responsibility to complete a given task;
  • Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively;
  • Attention to detail and ability to follow protocols consistently;
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); and
  • Introductory statistics.


Learning Outcomes:

The student will learn how to plan, design, and conduct scientific experiments, and analyze and interpret data.


Expected start and end date:

Start of Summer 2024 term - end of Fall 2024 term


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage:


Distribution of soil types and soil properties around Corvallis

Faculty Mentor Name:

Dr. Yakun Zhang ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Crop and Soil Science


Research modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

Corvallis is located at the Willamette Valley and bordered by the Oregon Coast Range to the northwest. There are diverse soil types around Corvallis which include some of the most fertile soils in Oregon supporting rich and diverse agricultural productions in the valley and soils that are developed from basaltic rocks at the Coast Range. The aim of this project is to study the distribution of soil types and soil properties around Corvallis and understand the formation and processes of these soils. This project consists of two components: 1) field sampling and observation; 2) laboratory analysis of essential soil properties. We will identify 8 locations around Corvallis including agricultural sites and forest sites to dig soil pits down to 1.5 meters and then collect soil samples from identified soil horizons. The soil samples will be air-dried, ground, and analyzed for soil organic carbon, soil pH, and soil texture. The samples will also be scanned using mid-infrared spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. The results of this project will enable better understanding of the soil properties, soil processes, and soil functionality around Corvallis.


Project Description:

This project aims to conduct field campaign to study and understand the distribution, formation, and processes of soils around Corvallis. The project consists of two components: field sampling and laboratory analysis.

Identify sampling sites and conduct field sampling

  1. Appropriate sampling locations (n=8) will be identified at various agricultural sites (e.g., Hyslop Farm, Turkey Farm, Swan Farm, etc.) and forest sites (e.g., McDonald-Dunn Forest). These locations include the fertile soils in the Willamette Valley and soils developed from basaltic rocks in the Coast Range.
  2. Dig soil pits which are 1-meter wide and 1.5- to 2- meter deep. In the agricultural sites, we will use a backhoe to dig, while in forest sites, we will dig by hand using a spade or shovel.
  3. Describe the landscape conditions of the sampling sites and soil profile observations.
  4. Identify soil horizons and collect soil samples. We anticipate collecting about 100 soil samples.

Laboratory analysis of soil properties.

  1. The soil samples will be air-dried and ground to a particle size smaller than 2 mm.
  2. The soil samples will be analyzed for soil organic carbon using dry combustion method, soil pH, and soil texture using hydrometer method.
  3. Soil spectroscopy (mid-infrared spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy) will be used to scan these soil samples and collect mid-infrared spectra and elemental concentrations.
  4. The data will be entered, organized, and stored in an excel sheet.


Description of Work Environment:

  • The student will conduct field work near campus (within 20-min driving distance). The field sites include agricultural fields (e.g., Hyslop Farm, Turkey Farm, Swan Farm, etc.) and forest sites (e.g., McDonald-Dunn Forest).
  • Once the field sampling is done, the student will work in the lab (ALS building soils lab) to process the samples and conduct laboratory analysis of the soil samples.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

  • The first part of this project is field soil sampling. This will take about two weeks. During field sampling, the student’s responsibility is to help dig soil pits, collect soil samples, write down essential landscape and soil information observed in the field.
  • The second part of this project is laboratory analysis of soils. For the collected soil samples (approx. 100 samples), the student will 1) air-dry the soils, 2) grind the soils, 3) measure soil organic carbon, soil pH, soil texture using standard laboratory methods, 4) collect soil spectral data using mid-infrared spectroscopy and portable X-ray Fluorescence spectroscopy, 5) organize and enter all the data into an excel sheet.



  • Pre-existing skills: have taken a soil science course (e.g., SOIL 205) or have a little bit knowledge in soil science, interested in field work and laboratory analysis.
  • Skills acquired during the research project: field soil sampling; reading landscapes; laboratory analysis of soil organic carbon, pH, and soil texture; soil spectroscopy.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify sampling sites and collect soil samples
  • Read and explain the landscapes in the Willamette Valley
  • Obtain skills on laboratory analysis of essential soil properties (e.g., organic carbon, pH, texture)
  • Use soil spectroscopy to measure soil samples and collect soil data


Expected start and end date:

07/01/2024 - 8/15/2024


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage:


Ecohydrology Methods and Applications To Better Understand Land Use-Environment Relations

Faculty Mentor Names:

Dr. Carlos Ochoa ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Animal and Rangeland Sciences


Research modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

This project offers students hands-on experience in field and lab techniques to improve the ecohydrological function of pastures and riparian areas. The student will participate in the data collection of soil, water, and vegetation samples from a grazing trial we are conducting at the OSU Sheep Center near campus. Also, it will assist with processing vegetation and soil samples from this and multiple other sites across the state. The students could learn from and interact with other students and staff in our research team.


Project Description:

We are conducting a research project in Oregon to evaluate the relationship between land use and the environment. In particular, we are looking at the potential for pasture fields and rangelands to store carbon, improve ecohydrologic function, and help mitigate climate change through various management practices. Targeted grazing is one of the tools we are using to improve soils, vegetation, and the overall ecological condition of properly managed landscapes. As part of the broader project, we are conducting a grazing trial at the OSU Sheep Center near campus. The trial aims to assess the role of rotational grazing in controlling invasive weeds and favoring the establishment of more desirable vegetation in riparian pastures. We are also using assessment and restoration techniques to reduce erosion and enhance the hydrologic function of the study site. We are using multiple field and lab techniques to achieve our research goals.


Description of Work Environment:

The fieldwork will be conducted on the pasture fields and riparian areas at the OSU Sheep Center and Dairy Center near campus. The lab component will be conducted at our Ecohydrology Lab on Campus Way.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

The student will work together with other team members to gather soil and vegetation samples in order to determine forage production as well as soil properties such as texture and bulk density. In addition, the student will help prepare samples to be sent to the Soil Health Lab for carbon content analysis. The student will also participate in measuring soil moisture using a portable sensor, and gathering data from multiple sensors and monitoring wells installed in the pasture fields and riparian areas. The collected field samples will be processed in the lab, and the student will assist with various techniques to determine features such as forage yields and soil properties.



The project will cover several skills related to environmental sampling and assessment. Students will learn how to conduct field sampling and assess vegetation and soils. They will also be trained in the use of electronic sensors to collect environmental data. The curriculum will also include lessons on lab methodology, data organization, and basic reporting. Basic knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel) is preferable.


Learning outcomes:

The student will learn the techniques for monitoring and assessing vegetation, water, and soils in pastures and riparian areas. They will also learn to use various sensors and devices to collect environmental data such as soil moisture, groundwater levels, and weather. The student will also learn lab methodology for processing soil and vegetation samples.


Expected start and end date:

June 16 to December 6, 2024


Anticipated hours per week:

10-20 hrs/wk during the summer; 5 to 10 hrs/wk during the fall term


Anticipated hourly wage:


Effect of spent hemp biomass feeding on behavior and stress of broiler chickens

Faculty Mentor Name:

Dr. Massimo Bionaz ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Animal and Rangeland Sciences


Research modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

To assess the effect of feeding spent hemp biomass (SHB) to broiler chickens, we enrolled 200 birds and provided them 0, 5, 10, and 20% SHB in the diet with 50 birds per group and 5 pens for each group with 10 birds/pen. During the 42-day experiment, cameras were set up to record the birds’ behavioral experiments we ran, such as the reaction of novel objects, reaction to human interaction, and color memory. At the end of the experiment, the birds were euthanized, and their brain was collected and weighed. Furthermore, feathers were collected to measure corticosterone as an index of chronic stress. The students will be required to analyze the videos using software to quantify behavior and extract and measure using ELISA corticosterone in the feathers.  


Project Description:

Industrial hemp was legalized in 2018 when its cultivation boomed in the USA. From the extraction of cannabinoids from the hemp, the spent hemp biomass (SHB) is obtained as a byproduct. The SHB has ideal nutritional characteristics for livestock feed and could also be used with chickens. SHB is not legal to be fed to animals because it contains cannabinoids. Besides the level of cannabinoid residuals in the products, the FDA-CVM requires data on the effect on animal health to move forward with the legalization of hemp byproducts as feed ingredients. The SHB contains up to 3% cannabidiol (CBD) and some residual of the psychoactive 9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Recent studies indicate that feeding CBD decreases anxiety/stress via the interaction with the endocannabinoid system. Thus, it is possible that feeding SHB decreases stress in chicken broilers and affects their behavior. The study aims to determine how feeding SHB would affect behavior using broilers as an animal model. We hypothesize that feeding SHB lessens the broilers' natural fear response and increases memory and curiosity.


Description of Work Environment:

Wet laboratory and computer (can be the laptop of the student)


Description of Student Responsibilities:

The study aims to determine how feeding SHB would affect behavior using broilers as an animal model. We hypothesize that feeding SHB lessens the broilers' natural fear response and increases memory and curiosity. For this purpose, we enrolled 200 chicken broilers at 5 days old and provided them 0, 5, 10, and 20% SHB in the diet with 50 birds per group and 5 pens for each group with 10 birds/pen. During the 42-day experiment, cameras were set up to record the birds’ behavioral experiments we ran, such as the reaction of novel objects, reaction to human interaction, and color memory. For the human interaction experiment, observers stood silently for 2 minutes and then paced the pen's length 3 times. For the novel object experiment, wooden painted blocks (2 x 2 in.) with 4 colors (green, red, yellow, and blue) were put in the pen for 5 minutes. We plan to measure the latency of the first bird to approach, the number of birds that approach the object, and the number of birds that touch the object. For the color memory, we used 4 bowls (purple, blue, orange, and green) and planned to measure the latency of the first bird to approach the feed bowl and the number of birds and their speed in approaching the feed bowl. At the end of the experiment, the birds were euthanized, and their brain was collected and weighed. Furthermore, feathers were collected to measure corticosterone using ELISA as an index of chronic stress.



Basic laboratory skills for the ELISA and skills in using programs for the behavioral measurements using software.


Learning Outcomes:

Students will learn:

  • ELISA assay
  • Use of software to measure behavior
  • Data organization and statistical analysis
  • Write report and scientific manuscript


Expected start and end date:

June 1 - September 30, 2024


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage :


Exploring Pesticide Pollution Remediation Method with Pulse Electric Field – A Novel Way to Mitigate Pesticide Run Off and Ground Water Contamination

Faculty Mentor Names:

Dr. Serhan Mermer ([email protected]) and Dr. Marcelo L. Moretti ([email protected])

Faculty Mentor Departments:

Environmental & Molecular Toxicology and Horticulture


Research modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

The widespread use of pesticides in agriculture poses significant environmental risks due to off-target movement and residual presence in ecosystems. In response, the Environmental Protection Agency is considering regulatory measures under the Endangered Species Act to address pesticide off-target effects. Meanwhile, the adoption of pulse electric field (PEF) technology offers a promising alternative for sustainable agriculture by providing a non-chemical approach to weed and pest management. Oregon State University is leading research to assess PEF's efficacy in controlling weeds, nematodes, and soilborne pathogens. However, an interim solution integrating pesticides with PEF warrants exploration, especially given the limited understanding of pesticide behavior post-PEF application. This study hypothesizes that PEF treatment may interact with herbicides, potentially promoting their degradation and altering mobility and persistence. Addressing this knowledge gap is crucial for optimizing weed management strategies while preserving environmental quality. Ultimately, this research aims to facilitate the adoption of sustainable pest control practices and explore innovative approaches to manipulate pesticide persistency in soil.


Project Description:

This project is designed to delve deeply into the intricate dynamics between pulse electric field (PEF) treatment and two prominent herbicides, atrazine and indaziflam, to advance our understanding of herbicides' environmental fate and their transformation products. Atrazine, a widely used herbicide infamous for its propensity to contaminate groundwater, and indaziflam, known for its enduring soil activity in diverse cropping systems, have been selected as focal points for this investigation. The experimental setup will utilize 4-liter containers filled with thoroughly sterilized silt loam soil to resemble agricultural conditions closely. The experimental design consists of five distinct treatments: application of indaziflam alone, indaziflam combined with PEF treatment, application of atrazine alone, atrazine paired with PEF treatment, and a non-treated control group. Following PEF application, the containers will be planted with annual ryegrass, selected as a bio-indicator species to discern the presence and potential impacts of the herbicides. The project will employ a systematic sampling protocol, collecting soil and leaching water samples weekly over three weeks. The samples will be subjected to thorough analysis to understand the complex fate and behavior of the herbicides, including their potential transformation into metabolites. Given the intricate nature of herbicide metabolism, particular emphasis will be placed on elucidating the transformation pathways and environmental fate of atrazine and indaziflam metabolites, which may exhibit distinct behaviors compared to their parent compounds. The analytical part of the project will include liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) technology for the separation and identification of atrazine, indaziflam, and their respective metabolites. Through careful examination of the data obtained from these advanced analytical techniques, the project aims to reveal essential insights into how PEF treatment affects the degradation, movement, and longevity of herbicides in water and soil environments. This research is not only important for science but also has practical benefits. By studying how PEF treatment interacts with herbicides, we can improve our understanding of the risks and find more sustainable ways to control weeds in farming. Ultimately, the goal is to protect the environment, preserve biodiversity, and support sustainable agriculture, even as regulations and challenges evolve.


Description of Work Environment:

The position will take place in two labs including the weed science laboratory and pesticide toxicology & analytical laboratory located on the main campus in Corvallis.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

The student will work with the mentor and other lab members on pot experiments, sample preparation, extraction, and data analysis & processing in the lab.



Students who have previous analytical lab experience or are willing to gain analytical laboratory experience are encouraged to apply. Students will learn skills and techniques related to semi-field experiments, sample processing, liquid and solid extraction methods, and data analysis and processing will be gained as well as knowledge about the implementation of a quality assurance/quality management system in an analytical chemistry and weed science laboratory.


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Obtain skills used for semi-field experiments, sample preparation, extraction, and analysis.
  2. Obtain skills used for an analytical chemistry laboratory such as processing qualitative and quantitative data of target and non-target compounds.
  3. Learn the process of experiment planning, development, execution, and reporting.
  4. Learn how to engage with and work collaboratively with a team of researchers.


Expected start and end date:

June 2024- August 2024 (could also continue through September 2024)


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage:


Garden education for community resilience: Needs assessment and program redesign

Faculty Mentor Name:

Dr. Leslie Madsen ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Extension Master Gardener Program / Horticulture


Research Modality:

Hybrid of remote and in-person


Project Abstract:

For years, the popular Seed to Supper / Siembra La Cena program has addressed food insecurity by teaching community members how to grow their own food on a tiny budget. In 2024, we are updating the program to better meet the needs of our priority equity communities: Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color; refugees and immigrants; trans and gender-expansive people; and single mothers and caregivers. The student researcher will conduct a needs assessment and then participate in the redesign of the program's curriculum and activities. This research opportunity will allow students to build essential career skills, including literature review, formulating good research/interview questions, stakeholder engagement, community outreach, writing, working with generative AI, informal education, and technical skills related to instructional design (e.g., workflow design; graphic design; writing in plain, concise language).


Project Description:

This project has two primary components: a needs assessment and a redesign of Seed to Supper's curriculum and activities. Needs assessment: In partnership with Dr. Madsen, the student researcher will conduct a needs assessment by conducting literature reviews, interviewing community stakeholders, and identifying potential partner organizations that already have a trust-based relationship with the program's priority equity communities. Program redesign: Dr. Madsen and the student will use a backward design process that aligns the curriculum and activities with the desired program outcomes. The student researcher will receive intensive mentoring from Dr. Madsen on best practices in designing informal, hands-on education programs, after which they will partner with Dr. Madsen on rewriting the curriculum and developing engaging learning activities. This research project offers the student an opportunity to effect real and significant change in people's lives. In addition to addressing individuals' food insecurity, the program builds Seed to Supper participants' resilience and self-confidence and fosters their connections with others in their communities. This project may be extended beyond the summer/fall, depending on student interest, student performance, and availability of funding.


Description of Work Environment:

The work environment is hybrid. Much of the work can be done remotely. However, some community outreach and partnership cultivation is best done in person. Depending on the student's location, primary community outreach may take place in Eugene and Springfield; the Portland metropolitan area; or Linn and Benton counties.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

The student's responsibilities will shift throughout the project, but will include:

  • Reviewing existing Seed to Supper materials to become familiar with the program's content, as well as its relative strengths and weaknesses.
  • Conducting literature reviews on food insecurity in priority equity communities, community garden education, and low-cost sustainable gardening strategies.
  • Engaging with existing community organizations (potential partners) to learn more about the needs of the priority equity communities, as well as interviewing individuals in those communities to better discern their needs and desires.
  • Writing a brief report that (a) summarizes the findings of the literature review, discussions with representatives of community organizations/potential partners, and (b) makes recommendations about specific elements of program redesign.
  • Contributing to curriculum redesign: drafting a course outline; developing engaging, high-impact hands-on activities for participants; and proposing an evaluation mechanism.



Required skills:

  • Ability to create digital documents and spreadsheets.
  • Experience with organizing, sharing, and collaboratively editing documents in the cloud (e.g., via Google Drive, Box, or Microsoft 365).
  • Ability to write at the level of a typical first-year college student.
  • Openness to mentoring and interdisciplinary learning.

Preferred skills/knowledge:

  • Familiarity with the needs and cultures of one or more of the program's priority equity communities;
  • Bilingual English/Spanish.

Skills the student will develop or refine throughout this project:

  • Literature review, formulating good research/interview questions, stakeholder engagement, community outreach, writing, working with generative AI, informal education, and technical skills related to instructional design (e.g., workflow design; graphic design; writing in plain, concise language).


Learning outcomes:

By the end of the project, the student researcher will be able to:

  • Articulate a clear research question.
  • Collect and organize large amounts of information.
  • Write a white paper.
  • Identify and engage with staff and volunteers of community organizations.
  • Describe the principles and best practices in informal, hands-on science (garden) education.
  • Write productive interview questions.
  • Explain and apply the backward (instructional) design process.
  • Use the universal design for learning to ensure accessibility of analog and digital learning content, activities, and environments.
  • Use generative AI productively and responsibly.
  • Design simple learning materials using basic graphic design software.


Expected start and end date:

June 2024 - December 2024


Anticipated hours per week:

~10 hours (This project has research funds beyond the Beginning Researcher Support Program.)


Anticipated hourly wage:


Investigating the potential of using hyperspectral imagery to determine seed moisture in carrot seed crops

Faculty Mentor Names:

Dr. Jing Zhou ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Crop and Soil Science


Research modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

In carrot seed production, optimum seed moisture content (SMC) at the time of combine harvesting is critical for successful storage, cleaning, and further germination of the crop. Carrot seed crops must be threshed below 10% SMC , but ideally not under 8%. Given the importance of SMC at the time of combine harvesting, and the narrow range of acceptable values, the current industry practice is to determine SMC in every field on each day of possible threshing. This process is time-consuming and labor intensive. Recent advancements in spectral sensors and their increased availability have garnered significant interest in their integration into crop production applications. Spectral sensors allow frequent and real-time monitoring of crop traits in the field, without having to bring samples back to a facility for drying. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of hyperspectral imagery to determine SMC in carrot seed production in Central Oregon. The outcomes of the project will be used to guide the development of portable sensing device for carrot seed growers to perform SMC measurement directly in field.


Project Description:

Project activities include data collection, processing and analysis. We will collect carrot seeds from commercial production fields in central Oregon, near Madras. Collected samples will be cleaned remove crop debris and then be scanned using a hyperspectral camera. The camera is fitted with an 8 mm lens with a 30.4° field of view. It captures data in 271 bands and 12-bit radiometric resolution with a full width half maximum of 6 nm. Images will be captured from the top view using a custom-built motion control system. Immediately after hyperspectral imaging, the samples will be weighed prior to drying in a laboratory circulated-air oven. After drying, samples will be cooled to room temperature in a desiccant containing chamber and then weighed to allow calculation of SMC. For data processing, data will be converted to radiance using the software provided by the camera manufacturer. Individual pots containing seed samples will be manually segmented from the images. Mean reflectance at each wavelength will be calculated from the individual pot images. We will then analysis the data to the identify spectral regions from the hyperspectral range that are significant for estimating carrot seed SMC.


Description of Work Environment:

Work will mainly take place at research labs at OSU’s Central Oregon Research and Extension Center (COAREC) as well as fields near the COAREC center. The research center is about 5-6 hours from campus. Travel expenses and meals will be provided. Students are also expected to work in a campus lab to get familiar with the imaging platform.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

Collect and clean carrot seed samples; operate the imaging platform; weigh seeds and operate an oven; process and analysis image data using computers



  • Be able to drive a rental car to central Oregon;
  • Be able to work collaboratively with other in lab and outdoors environments
  • Experience in programming languages, such as Python, R, Matlab, is preferred.
  • Experience in remote sensing or statistics is preferred.


Learning outcomes:

The student will learn how to collect and process hyperspectral images which is a powerful sensor in both industrial and academic settings. The student will also learn about experimental design, data analysis and scientific communication through the training of this project.


Expected start and end date:

June 17 - August 1, 2024


Anticipated hours per week:

Averagely 20 hours per week; In the data collection week, the student is expected to work 40 hours.


Anticipated hourly wage:


Long term adverse health effects of spaying and neutering dogs

Faculty Mentor Name:

Dr. Michelle Kutzler ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Animal and Rangeland Sciences


Research Modality:

Entirely remote/virtual


Project Abstract:

Removal of the gonads following spaying and neutering results in sustained supraphysiologic concentrations of luteinizing hormone, which is linked to a variety of non-neoplastic and neoplastic health problems. This project will focus on hypothyroidism, hemangiosarcoma and lymphoma.


Project Description:

The student will research previously published literature on these topics, write animal care and use proposals, help write grants and papers.


Description of Work Environment:

All of the work can be accomplished remotely provided the student has reliable internet access.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

The student will research previously published literature on these topics, write animal care and use proposals, help write grants and papers.



The student must be able to work independently and know how to perform a literature review. The student will be taught how to write Animal Care and Use Proposals, grants, and research papers.


Learning outcomes:

The student will learn how to write Animal Care and Use Proposals, grants, and research.


Expected start and end date:

Summer 2024 and Fall 2024 terms


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage:


Microplastics imaging and analysis

Faculty Mentor Names:

Dr. Susanne Brander ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

COMES, FWCS, Hatfield Marine Science Center


Research Modalitiy:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

Our lab group processes samples of many types for extraction and analysis of microplastics. The ultimate goal of this work is to generate accurate estimates of the amount and type of plastic pollution that may be impacting different types of ecosystems, as well as human health. This project would involve assisting our lab manager with sample processing, specifically focusing on the imaging (stereomicroscopy, SEM) of particles extracted from a variety of matrices, such as sediment, wastewater, and biota. Additionally, this position would be trained in spectroscopy and would use a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy instrument (FTIR) to determine the material composition of microplastic and other anthropogenic particles (e.g. cotton) extracted from samples. This position may also contribute to the development of standardized protocols for microplastics sampling and detection for use nationwide, as part of a project in collaboration wit the state of California.


Project Description:

Our lab group processes samples of many types for extraction and analysis of microplastics. The ultimate goal of this work is to generate accurate estimates of the amount and type of plastic pollution that may be impacting different types of ecosystems, as well as human health. This project would involve assisting our lab manager with sample processing, specifically focusing on the imaging (stereomicroscopy, SEM) of particles extracted from a variety of matrices, such as sediment, wastewater, and biota. The work would first involve detailed training on protocols, such as particle identification, measurement, and imaging. This student would be expected to become well-versed in the peer reviewed literature on microplastics identification as part of their work. Additionally, this position would be trained in spectroscopy and would use a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy instrument (FTIR) to determine the material composition of microplastic and other anthropogenic particles (e.g. cotton) extracted from samples. FTIR is a widely applicable technique that can be used to identify microplastics as well as study the chemical changes that occur due to weathering and gradual breakdown. This position may also contribute to the development of standardized protocols for microplastics sampling and detection for use nationwide, as part of a project in collaboration wit the state of California. Currently our group is part of an interlaboratory comparison study aiming to generate protocols that ensure comparability of results across laboratories from different sectors (e.g. academia, government agencies) and states. This work also has the potential to develop into a longer term research project, beyond the CAS beginning researcher funding.


Description of Work Environment:

All research would be conducted at the Oregon State Hatfield Marine Science Center, in the new Marine Studies Building, in Newport OR. Public transportation is available to OSU's marine campus. We have a specialized facility for microplastics processing which includes a clean room with HEPA filtration, laminar flow hoods, stereomicroscopes and an FTIR. The building also has a coffee shop in the lobby and ample office space for data entry and other work that would need to be done on a laptop. HMSC is a large campus consisting of OSU faculty, as well as state and federal agencies such as ODFW, USDA, EPA, and NOAA. There are many potential opportunities for collaboration more broadly.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

The students day-to-day responsibilities would involve microscopy (imaging, measurements, counting) and spectroscopy (use of FTIR to identify extracted particles). There will also be some support work involving preparing glassware and filters, production of reagents needed for microplastics work, and occasionally supporting and assisting with sample extraction. Although the bulk of the work will be on samples that have already been processed.



Pre-existing skills that would be helpful are experience using microscopes (primarily stereomicroscopy) and a background in analytical chemistry, such as coursework or any amount of lab experience (preferred, not required). However, these skills are not necessary for an entry level position and could be acquired during the course of the term.


Learning outcomes:

  1. Training in spectroscopy and microscopy techniques for analysis of microplastic particles.
  2. Acquiring knowledge on plastic pollution and the occurrence of microplastics across many types of environmental samples, and how it impacts both ecological and human health.
  3. Gaining experience and communication skills in working with a laboratory group, including participating in longer term projects and learning to work as a team.


Expected start and end date:

Fall 2024 term (opportunity to continue on project in Winter 2025 term)


Anticipated hours per week:

10-15 (2 days per week at Hatfield)


Anticipated hourly wage:


Milk protein and peptide bioactivity in the infant and adult gut

Faculty Mentor Name:

Dr. David Dallas ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:

Food Science and Technology, Nutrition


Research Modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

This project is part of a large NIH and Gerber-funded project. The student will take charge of a part of this overall work. They may examine things like the abundance of specific bioactive proteins with ELISA, test the functional activity of the milk (antibacterial, prebiotic, immune-modulation, intestinal cell modulation) or measure key enzymes in milk like lipases and proteases. This project is also being extended to a feeding study with preterm infants at the Oregon Health & Sciences University in Portland to determine how feeding with these differently processed milks affects infant digestion and macronutrient absorption, and later growth. Our long-term goal is to optimize feeding practices for preterm infants to improve their health outcomes. Our central hypothesis is that minimal HPP and UV-C treatment conditions will better preserve donor milk bioactive proteins’ structure and function compared with Holder pasteurization. The positive impact of this research will be guidance for donor milk processors on how to optimally process donor milk for feeding preterm infants and information for clinicians on how to evaluate available donor milk sources. Changes in milk processing to better preserve bioactive milk proteins could improve preterm infant health outcomes. Note: We also have an array of projects on 1) bioactive milk peptides (interactions with immune cells, bacteria and intestinal cells); 2) bitter-tasting peptides in cheese; 3) effects of alternative processing on bioactive proteins in bovine milk; 4) effect of spray drying and pasteurization on bovine milk proteins; 5) examination of survival of milk proteins and peptides in the gut and to the blood of infants and adults.


Project Description:

Please email [email protected] to discuss project details. The project will depend on student interest, but will align with what is mentioned in the project abstract above. More about the Dallas lab group is here:


Description of Work Environment:

Primarily campus lab.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

Designing a research project, learning lab techniques, carrying out experiments, writing up results, participating in weekly lab meetings, working with a research mentor (grad student or post-doc).



Any research skills preferred but not required.


Learning outcomes:

  • Learning to carry out a research project
  • Learning about milk protein and peptide bioactivity
  • Learning specific lab techniques


Expected start and end date:

Summer 2024 - Fall 2024


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage:


Quality phenotyping for wheat and barley breeding

Faculty Mentors Names:

Dr. Andrew Ross ([email protected]) and Dr. Teepakorn Kongraksawech ([email protected])

Faculty Mentors Departments:

Crop and Soil Science / Food Science and Technology


Research Modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

The work revolves around 1 aspirational and 2 funded projects. The funded projects support wheat and barley variety development (plant breeding) efforts. The wheat work supports the wheat breeder by running early-generation screening of quality phenotypes (as listed below). This work culminates in variety release. The wheat work also encompasses methods development in the area of enzymatic assays or assays of the outcomes of enzyme activity, primarily starch degrading amylases. The barley work is focused on naked (hull-less) barleys and encompasses some of the phenotypes measured for wheat (e.g. grain hardness, flour absorption) to support variety development. Additionally the barley work is also extended to product development (e.g., nixtamilzation of barley for tortillas) and outreach work to encourage bakers to use wholegrain barley in formulations because it is nutritionally beneficial in human diets. The aspirational project is the development of high-fiber wheat and its deployment as a staple food to decrease the incidence of non-communicable chronic disease in the general population, also a goal of the barley work. Work that may be done of the aspirational project includes method development for screening of soluble fiber content as well as molecular weight, product manufacture and assessment to see the impact of increased soluble fiber on typical wheat-based foods.


Project Description:

The work revolves around 1 aspirational and 2 funded projects. The funded projects support wheat and barley variety development (plant breeding) efforts. The wheat work supports the wheat breeder by running early-generation screening of quality phenotypes (as listed below). This work culminates in variety release. The wheat work also encompasses methods development in the area of enzymatic assays or assays of the outcomes of enzyme activity, primarily starch degrading amylases. The barley work is focused on naked (hull-less) barleys and encompasses some of the phenotypes measured for wheat (e.g. grain hardness, flour absorption) to support variety development. Additionally the barley work is also extended to product development (e.g., nixtamilzation of barley for tortillas) and outreach work to encourage bakers to use wholegrain barley in formulations because it is nutritionally beneficial in human diets. The aspirational project is the development of high-fiber wheat and its deployment as a staple food to decrease the incidence of non-communicable chronic disease in the general population, also a goal of the barley work. Work that may be done of the aspirational project includes method development for screening of soluble fiber content as well as molecular weight, product manufacture and assessment to see the impact of increased soluble fiber on typical wheat-based foods.


Description of Work Environment:

Primarily lab work with possibility of some field work near campus. One lab is a bakery and processes WHEAT and BARLEY grains into flour and foods. NOTE: Wheat and barley grains, flours, and doughs all contain gluten and the lab environment may unsuitable for people with celiac disease of wheat sensitivities. Some lifting up to 50 lbs may be required.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

Day-to-day student will engage in one or more of the following...

  • grain hardness testing
  • milling performance testing
  • testing flour absorption capacities
  • testing dough properties
  • running wet chemical tests on grains and flour
  • enzymatic assays
  • food processing
  • other lab activities including maintenance and cleaning and assisting with general laboratory duties.

The rare field work may involve harvesting of grains or attendance at field days.



Pre-existing skills and proclivities preferred:

  • An interest in grain based foods and nutrition.
  • Some chemistry background
  • Some experience or at least interest in baking
  • In good academic standing
  • Good communication skills
  • Good time management skills.
  • Ability to work both independently and collaboratively
  • Strong attention to detail and consistency when performing repetitive tasks
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Office.
  • Asking questions when they arise.
  • Taking initiative
  • Being creative

Skills acquired

  • Lab logistics. record keeping, and data curation
  • Ability to learn and perform simple to moderately complex lab tasks
  • Baking skills


Learning outcomes:

On completion the student should be familiar with, experienced in, or have...

  • lab logistics
  • record keeping
  • data curation
  • accurate labeling of samples and maintenance of sample identity through multiple test procedures
  • performing simple to moderately complex lab tasks measuring: grain hardness, dietary fiber abundance and molecular weight, gluten performance and prediction of dough properties, enzyme activities, baking tests (breads, tortillas, cookies, etc)
  • at least rudimentary bread baking skills
  • an understanding of grain anatomy and composition and their relationships to processing functionality and nutrition.


Expected start and end date:



Anticipated hours per week:

less than 20


Anticipated hourly wage:


Spatial variation in black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) life history traits from California to Alaska

Faculty Mentor Name:

Dr. Cheryl Barnes ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:



Research Modality:

In-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

Black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) represent a major component of nearshore fisheries from central California to Alaska. Despite this, we do not yet understand how their life history varies across space. This project addresses an important informational void by estimating growth, maturity, and other key traits for black rockfish throughout their natural range. Our research will be used to inform state-based stock assessment models, refine definitions of population structure, and inform regional decision-making. This study will also provide baseline data with which to assess potential impacts of climate change on black rockfish in the future.


Project Description:

Contemporary ecology is teeming with studies that work toward understanding climate impacts on animal populations. The lack of comprehensive biological data, however, limits our ability to estimate species responses to their environments. These data limitations are exacerbated for marine fishes that have widespread distributions. For these, we must first understand the impacts of spatial variation on our estimates before we can effectively track changes through time. Black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) represent a major component of nearshore fisheries from central California to Alaska. Despite this, we do not yet understand how their life history varies across space. This project addresses an important informational void by estimating growth, maturity, and other key traits for black rockfish throughout their natural range. Our research will be used to inform state-based stock assessment models, refine definitions of population structure, and inform regional decision-making. This study will also provide baseline data with which to assess potential impacts of climate change on black rockfish in the future. We are working closely with state and federal agencies to maximize the utility of our work for fisheries management and benefit the coastal communities that rely on black rockfish for food and/or economic resources. Collaborating agencies include California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) and the Northwest Fisheries Science Center (National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA).


Description of Work Environment:

Program participants will primarily work from OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC), though there may be opportunities to travel to sampling sites along the US West Coast. There may also be opportunities for students to participate remotely or in a hybrid fashion. Activities for remote or hybrid internships may involve performing scientific literature reviews, identifying potential new industry collaborations, synthesizing data, and/or developing new data collection or analytical protocols.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

Specific tasks may involve portside sampling, participating in at-sea surveys, assisting with fish dissections, preparing or ageing otoliths, assessing microscopic maturity, estimating fecundity, recording/entering/summarizing data, and/or conducting preliminary statistical analyses. This project also emphasizes the importance of community engagement, thus interns will regularly interact with fishery stakeholders.



We prioritize one’s potential over experience in order to promote skill development and self confidence in undergraduate students that have not yet had opportunities to participate in scientific research. Prospective students should be organized, detail-oriented, and interested in upholding standardized data collection protocols. A keen interest in fisheries and/or marine science is desired. All necessary training for field- and lab-based work will be provided. Program participants will be directly supervised by a graduate student who will be responsible for day-to-day activities. Undergraduates will also meet with their faculty mentor on a biweekly basis (more, if requested) and participate in IMF Lab meetings. The Integrated Marine Fisheries (IMF) Lab ( is committed to holistic mentoring that promotes effective training for scholarly research and maximizes individualized growth. We work to create an environment that is accessible, equitable, intellectually stimulating, safe, emotionally supportive, and free from harassment of any kind. We encourage critical thinking, skepticism, and creativity in all discussions. We help plan and direct student research activities by setting reasonable and attainable goals and establishing appropriate timelines for successful completion. We also meet with students on a regular basis to answer questions, discuss progress, and provide resources for professional development. The IMF Lab intentionally seeks out and supports diverse identities, backgrounds, and perspectives — doing so improves the quality of our work and enriches our daily lives. Thus, we strongly encourage those who identify with underrepresented and/or historically marginalized groups to apply.


Learning outcomes:

Program participants will gain valuable, hands-on experience through field- and/or lab-based data collection and other types of project support. Students can expect to learn an assortment of tools and techniques that are commonly used in marine fisheries science. Specifically, undergraduates will work with a graduate student to sample and dissect fish, preserve and prepare biological samples for further processing, and collect relevant life history data (e.g., ages, maturity stages, fecundity). Some scientific literature review and/or database management may also be involved.


Expected start and end date:

Fall 2024 (opportunity to continue with project in Winter 2025)


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage:


Uncovering the species diversity of freshwater bryozoans in the Willamette Basin, and their role in the life cycle of a salmon parasite

Faculty Mentor Name:

Dr. Sascha Hallett ([email protected])


Faculty Mentor Department:



Research Modality:

100% in-person lab/field


Project Abstract:

The microscopic parasite Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae (T. bryo) alternates between infecting freshwater bryozoans and salmon/trout during its life cycle. Inside the bryozoan host, T. bryo multiplies into tens of thousands of fish-infective spores that are released into the water. Salmon and trout that are infected with the spores can experience severe disease and high mortality. Since 2020, T. bryo infections have become an annual problem for salmon hatcheries on the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers in Oregon, but information on the bryozoan species involved in the T. bryo life cycle in the region is still lacking. Freshwater bryozoans are filter-feeding invertebrates that form colonies in the spring and summer on the sediment and hard surfaces like rocks and driftwood in ponds, lakes, and rivers. In the fall, these colonies degrade and release statoblasts, which are seed-like, asexual, overwintering stages. Statoblasts later hatch into individual bryozoans the following spring and rebuild colonies. The objective of the proposed project is to better understand what species of bryozoans are present within the Willamette basin, and this will be done using microscopy to screen sediment samples for bryozoan colonies and statoblasts. Molecular, genetic and microscopy techniques will be used to identify the bryozoans to the species level, and these results will be compared to existing literature to determine whether the species detected are known to complete the T. bryo life cycle.


Project Description:

The diversity and distribution of freshwater bryozoans in Oregon has yet to be explored, but this information is crucial for understanding their role in regional aquatic ecosystems. In particular, freshwater bryozoan species are necessary as hosts in the life cycle of an aquatic parasite, Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, which also infects and causes disease in Pacific salmon. Research on European strains of T. bryo has shown that it can infect and proliferate in bryozoans in the Fredericella, Plumatella, and Cristatella genera. However, it is still unknown whether North American T. bryo strains utilize the same or different types of bryozoans. T. bryo has repeatedly caused die-offs of Chinook salmon in fish hatcheries on the McKenzie and Willamette rivers in Oregon. We hypothesize that bryozoan populations upstream of these sites release the fish-infective T. bryo spores into the hatcheries, and therefore aim to screen sediment from those areas. For this project, the responsibilities for a student researcher will include sieving sediment in the lab, then carefully sifting through one portion of the sample at a time under a dissecting microscope. Any live bryozoan fragments and statoblasts found will first be collected with a pipette, then either stored for genetic analysis or kept to culture. For culturing bryozoans, statoblasts are hatched and grown in the lab using aquariums stocked with aquatic plants and snails to simulate a typical pond environment. Optional research activities can include fieldwork to collect sediment samples from the McKenzie and Willamette rivers, assisting with genetic analyses, as well as maintaining bryozoans cultures.


Description of Work Environment:

Initial lab safety training would occur remotely through a series of virtual training guides. Laboratory work would primarily take place on the 5th floor of Nash Hall in the Department of Microbiology. This laboratory is the main site of research activities carried out by the lab’s graduate students and senior researchers; this can range from fish necropsies, water eDNA sample processing, DNA extractions, conventional and quantitative PCR, microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. The student will utilize shared microscopes and resources during scheduled times for their project, but the collaborative lab environment allows for opportunities to shadow and discuss other undergraduate and graduate students’ research. This is a microscopy-heavy project and thus will require sitting for several consecutive hours. It will also be necessary to use fine motor skills to retrieve small statoblasts from sediment samples. Optional fieldwork may entail day trips to areas of the McKenzie and Willamette rivers (near the Leaburg and Dexter hatcheries, respectively) to collect sediment. Sediment would be collected from shore or in shallow water while wearing rubber boots or waders, but getting in the water would not be necessary.


Description of Student Responsibilities:

The student will primarily be mentored by PhD student Nilanjana Das, with additional supervision provided by Dr. Sascha Hallett. The student’s responsibilities are initially to complete virtual lab safety training and conduct a simple literature review on bryozoan diversity in Oregon and their role in the T. bryo life cycle. Once appropriate safety training has been completed, they will receive hands-on training for protocols on processing sediment samples and bryozoan/statoblast identification. These techniques require great attention to detail and are completed as follows: 1) pour sediment through a mesh sieve to remove large debris, 2) pipette a small amount of sieved sediment into a petri dish, 3) under the dissecting microscope, examine the sediment for statoblasts and bryozoan colony fragment, 4) collect any statoblasts and record data on location it was found, size, shape, 5) place statoblasts in dechlorinated water and monitor daily to for hatching.



Preferred qualifications:

  • Prior experience using light and dissecting microscopes
  • Fine motor skills (needed to use forceps/tweezers and pipettes)
  • Familiarity with aquatic macroinvertebrates

Students will develop skills in:

  • Laboratory safety
  • Performing a literature review
  • Processing sediment samples
  • Microscopy
  • Data analysis
  • Scientific communication (written and spoken)
  • Field work (optional)
  • Molecular/ genetic techniques (optional)


Learning outcomes:

Students will gain familiarity with the scientific method by carrying out a literature review, developing hypotheses, learning microscopy techniques, analyzing data and communicating results through a poster presentation. Additional learning outcomes include a familiarity with the molecular and genetic methods for species identification, the impacts of myxozoan parasites on fish health, and parasite-host dynamics.


Expected start and end date:

June - November 2024


Anticipated hours per week:



Anticipated hourly wage:

$14.20/hr (**Note: The faculty mentor will pay student for hours worked beyond program stipend ($1000) at a rate of $14.20/hour)

For questions and information, contact:

Rachel Jones, CAS Student Engagement Coordinator
Email [email protected] 