Instructions for students - Read first
Step 1: Review the faculty project summaries (see below).
Step 2: Once you have found a project that interests you, email the project mentor (see guide to writing emails to faculty here) to set up a time to connect and learn more about the project. NOTE: Only contact 2 faculty mentors at a time. If you haven't heard back in 4 business days, follow-up with a second email.
Step 3: Meet with potential faculty mentors to discuss the project and potential acceptance into their lab. It is also recommended to schedule a 1-on-1 meeting with CAS Student Engagement Coordinator, Rachel Jones, to learn more about the program and conducting undergraduate research.
Step 4: Apply to the Beginning Researcher Support Program, indicating your preferred projects. Application closes Friday, Nov. 1 @ 5pm PST. Applications will include a resume and a cover letter outlining your research interests (1 for each project to which you are applying). NOTE: if you haven't had a chance to do steps 2&3, please still submit an application so that you can be considered. There will be time after the application deadline to have meetings with faculty.
Faculty Mentor Names:
Dr. Aaron Becerra-Alvarez ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Research modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Herbicide resistance is a challenge that leads to reduced weed control from available herbicides. Reduced weed control can reduce yields by weed competition and interference with harvesting methods. Suspected herbicide resistance in weeds of vegetable crops in Western Oregon is a growing concern for growers. The troublesome weeds growers are having challenges to control with available herbicides include common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), nightshades (Solanum spp.), and Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). There is a need to evaluate these weed populations to determine if resistance is responsible for reduced control and provide growers with potential alternative options for control. The studies aim to learn the mechanisms of resistance of the populations and understand the biology of the weeds. The studies will provide evidence on herbicide resistance in vegetable production and increase the knowledge on troublesome weed populations of Western Oregon.
Project Description:
Suspected herbicide-resistant weeds are becoming a challenge to manage in vegetable crops of Western Oregon. Common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) is becoming difficult to control in snap beans with the postemergence herbicide bentazon. Nightshades (Solanum spp.) populations in brassica crops and snap beans have also been suspected to be resistant to S-metalochlor. Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) populations have demonstrated to have developed resistance to various herbicides (glyphosate, clethodim, mesosulfuron-methyl and diuron) in grass seed and hazelnut production in the Willamette Valley. The Italian ryegrass populations have moved into neighboring vegetable crops causing increased costs to control with hand weeding. Suspected herbicide-resistant common lambsquarters, nightshades, and Italian ryegrass seeds have been collected from various vegetable fields. Weed seedlings will be grown in the greenhouse and tested against various herbicide rates. Known susceptible populations will be grown out alongside and treated similarly to compare the resistance levels. Additional herbicides will be tested against the suspected resistant populations to find potential alternative options. Following the herbicide screening studies, the populations demonstrated to have resistance will be subjected to additional studies that will help understand the mechanisms of resistance. The additional studies will include herbicide applications alone and mixed with an insecticide which can provide evidence for metabolic resistance, and genetic analysis of the weed populations may be conducted if necessary. The objectives of the project are to confirm herbicide resistance in the weeds at questions and characterize the resistance mechanisms to find potential alternative options for control.
Description of Work Environment:
The student will be required to work in the greenhouse and in the laboratory. We will be working with herbicides. All necessary trainings will be required prior to in-person work and will be available from the college or from our lab. All the necessary personal protective equipment will be provided to the student.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
The student will be responsible for cleaning/collecting weed seed, preparing soil and pots for planting, caring for plants in the greenhouse, learn to use the spray chamber, and collecting data in the greenhouse. Computer work will also include inputting data and learning data management software to present the data.
The skills a student can expect to learn during this project include growing plants in the greenhouse, how to use a spray chamber, collecting plant growth data, managing data, learn how to do and interpret a dose-response curve from the data. Attention to detail, self-oriented, and basic knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel) is preferred.
Learning Outcomes:
The student will learn to develop data and interpret a dose-response curve comparing plant responses from susceptible populations to resistant populations. The student will learn to present data orally, on reports, and in poster presentations. The student will learn about weed science and increase their knowledge on weed science principles.
Expected start and end date:
Oct./Nov.2024 to Mar. 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentors Names:
Dr. Aymeric Goyer ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Botany and Plant Pathology
Research modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Through the Artemis missions, NASA seeks to establish a long-term sustainable presence of the Lunar surface. An important aspect of sustainability efforts will be using materials that can be sourced at the site of Lunar stations, referred to as in situ resource utilization (ISRU). Among ISRU efforts is the idea of using the regolith which is highly available as a plant growth substrate in support of on-site food production. This project uses regolith simulants to study the effects growth in regolith may have on the growth, development, and yield of potatoes, a highly productive staple crop.
Project Description:
This project will characterize potato growth and development at both the phenotypic and molecular levels, using sophisticated tools to analyze plant size and pigmentation, as well as molecular tools to analyze metabolites and gene expression. This work seeks to fill a knowledge gap as potatoes have not previously, to our knowledge, been investigated in Lunar regolith simulant. By filling this knowledge gap, we improve the technology readiness level of in situ food production systems for the Lunar surface.
Description of Work Environment:
Students will be required to work in both laboratory and greenhouse settings, adhering to all safety protocols that they will be trained on.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Student will be required to assist with planting, monitoring growth, and harvesting plant materials, as well as assisting in the biological and chemical analyses performed on the collected materials. This includes activities such as preparing preparing pots of regolith, maintaining tissue culture stocks, and performing extractions.
- Good communicator
- Punctual
- Enthusiastic
- Dependable
Learning Outcomes:
In this project, students will:
- Develop skills working with plants in greenhouse and closed chamber environments
- Develop and hone analytical chemistry skills
- Learn how to organize and present scientific findings
Expected start and end date:
Start of Winter term 2024 to end of Spring term 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. David Hannaway ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Crop and Soil Sciences
Research modality:
Entirely remote/virtual
Project Abstract:
This project (MatchForage) is expanding an existing commission-funded out put (MatchClover) that optimizes grower selection of forage species based on soil, climate, and forage species response to soil and climate factors. The MatchForage tool is based on GIS overlays, with the user-facing page allowing for indication of use, intended management level, etc.
Project Description:
The goal of this project is to expand existing selection tools to optimize land manager choice of forage species. The tools are the product of modeling and mapping activities that incorporate climatic, soil, and plant tolerance characteristics into high-resolution spatial data overlays. Appropriate forage selection is key to high productivity and persistence of forage stands and to the sustainability of forage-livestock systems. I seek an engaged student who will contribute to these goals by identifying yield data, contributing to data overlays, and improving websites.
Description of Work Environment:
Flexible work location for the computer-based work: can be home/dormitory and/or campus computer labs. Initial work orientation to include in-person meetings with faculty mentor and team members. Weekly project discussions regarding skill development, clarification of tasks, and progress reports will be a combination of in-person and video conferencing, email and telephone contact.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
- Review previously published work to become aware of tool functionality (e.g.,,,,, etc.).
- Identify new information on species and update project spreadsheets.
- Discuss newly identified information with project team.
- Edit text and add graphs to website.
- Required: Introductory level biology/plant physiology knowledge.
- Search skills (library, internet, researcher interviews, etc.). These skills will be improved under guidance.
- Spreadsheet development and polynomial graphing skills.
- Ability to work independently and as part of a group.
- Ability to generate steady project outputs.
- Able to edit Drupal websites or willing to learn.
Learning Outcomes:
Undergraduate researchers will be able to:
- Explain how appropriate selection of forage species is essential to economic and environmental sustainability.
- Discuss climatic and soil factors important in forage selection.
- Describe the modeling and mapping process.
- Demonstrate competence in website editing.
- Demonstrate increased understanding of the landgrant system, and awareness of extension specialist roles, nationally and internationally.
Expected start and end date:
Jan 1, 2024 through Jun 30, 2024 or depletion of funding
Anticipated hours per week:
Up to 20 during the winter or spring term
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Names:
Dr. Mike Burns ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Research modality:
Hybrid of remote and in-person
Project Abstract:
The number of vertebrae in fishes varies widely and is influenced by various environmental factors. This study focuses on understanding how different environmental factors, such as swimming mode, water temperature, flow rate, and diet, influence vertebral numbers in minnow fishes. We plan to compare vertebral numbers across approximately 400 minnow species and employ statistical analyses to elucidate the evolutionary patterns of vertebral number variation. Minnows, found in diverse habitats ranging from tropical freshwaters in Asia and Africa to temperate and near Arctic waters of North America and Europe, exhibit a wide range of ecological diversity. By comparing variations in water temperatures, flow rates, and diets, our study aims to provide unprecedented insights into how multiple environmental pressures shape the evolution of observable physical traits in geographically widespread animal groups. This research will contribute to a better understanding of the complex interplay between environmental characteristics and vertebral number evolution in fishes.
Project Description:
The number of vertebrae varies widely across the diversity of fishes. Several environmental and evolutionary factors influence vertebral numbers. For instance, diverse aspects of fish ecology, such as swimming mode, water temperature and flow rate, and diet, are suggested to influence vertebral numbers. Many studies have examined how a single aspect of fish ecology, i.e., water temperature, influences vertebral number. Still, these studies often show contradictory results regarding how the different ecologies influence vertebral number evolution. For instance, fishes in cold waters tend to have more vertebrae than fishes in warm waters due to cold waters promoting increased body sizes. Fishes in river rapids tend to have more vertebrae than fishes in calm waters due to the increased demands of swimming in turbulent environments. Thus, fishes that have evolved in warm and turbulent or cold and peaceful waters experience contrasting pressures for vertebral evolution. These contrasting pressures beg the question of how vertebral numbers evolve in groups of fishes that have evolved in response to multiple environmental pressures simultaneously. To address this limitation, we plan to compare vertebral numbers across ~400 species of minnows and use a suite of statistical analyses to understand how these different vertebral numbers evolved. Minnows are an incredibly diverse group of fishes with species distributed from tropical freshwaters in Asia and Africa to temperate and near Arctic waters of North America and Europe. Species exhibit a dramatic amount of ecological diversity. Some species inhabit the warm rapids of the African Congo River, feeding on algae attached to rocks. In contrast, others, such as Oregon pikeminnows, inhabit the cold and relatively tranquil waters of the Pacific Northwest, feeding on insects and other fishes. This study will examine how variations in water temperatures, flow rates, and diets have influenced vertebral numbers in these fishes. Our study will offer unparalleled insights into how multiple ecological pressures can influence aspects of the evolution of observable physical traits in geographically widespread groups of animals.
Description of Work Environment:
Program participants will primarily work from the Oregon State University Ichthyology Collection (OSIC) located in Nash Hall on main campus. Students may also be able to participate remotely or in a hybrid fashion.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Specific tasks will involve digitally dissecting CT scans of specimens, counting vertebral numbers for different species, and conducting preliminary statistical analyses.
Students do not need prior skills but should be organized and detail-oriented. An interest in fish, comparative anatomy, evolution, or biodiversity sciences is desired but not required. All necessary training will be provided, and the PI will directly supervise program participants. The Oregon State Ichthyology Collection values fostering a safe, supportive, and equitable research environment that supports students from all backgrounds. As such, we strongly encourage those who identify with underrepresented and historically marginalized groups to apply.
Learning outcomes:
Program participants will gain valuable, hands-on experience through lab-based data collection. Students can expect to learn techniques commonly used in ichthyology and evolutionary biology. Specifically, undergraduates will work with the PI to measure, count, and digitize fish phenotypes using museum specimens from the OSIC. Students will also learn about comparative anatomy, statistics, and biodiversity sciences.
Expected start and end date:
Winter 2025 (opportunity to continue with the project in Spring 2025)
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Cheryl Barnes ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Research modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) represent a major component of nearshore fisheries from central California to Alaska. Despite this, we do not yet understand how their life history varies across space. This project addresses an important informational void by estimating growth, maturity, and other key traits for black rockfish throughout their natural range. Our research will be used to inform state-based stock assessment models, refine definitions of population structure, and inform regional decision-making. This study will also provide baseline data with which to assess potential impacts of climate change on black rockfish in the future.Project Description:
Contemporary ecology is teeming with studies that work toward understanding climate impacts on animal populations. The lack of comprehensive biological data, however, limits our ability to estimate species responses to their environments. These data limitations are exacerbated for marine fishes that have widespread distributions. For these, we must first understand the impacts of spatial variation on our estimates before we can effectively track changes through time. Black rockfish (Sebastes melanops) represent a major component of nearshore fisheries from central California to Alaska. Despite this, we do not yet understand how their life history varies across space. This project addresses an important informational void by estimating growth, maturity, and other key traits for black rockfish throughout their natural range. Our research will be used to inform state-based stock assessment models, refine definitions of population structure, and inform regional decision-making. This study will also provide baseline data with which to assess potential impacts of climate change on black rockfish in the future. We are working closely with state and federal agencies to maximize the utility of our work for fisheries management and benefit the coastal communities that rely on black rockfish for food and/or economic resources. Collaborating agencies include California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) and the Northwest Fisheries Science Center (National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA).
Description of Work Environment:
Program participants will primarily work from OSU’s Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC), though there may be opportunities to travel to sampling sites along the US West Coast. There may also be opportunities for students to participate remotely or in a hybrid fashion. Activities for remote or hybrid internships may involve performing scientific literature reviews, identifying potential new industry collaborations, synthesizing data, and/or developing new data collection or analytical protocols.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Specific tasks may involve portside sampling, participating in at-sea surveys, assisting with fish dissections, preparing or ageing otoliths, assessing microscopic maturity, estimating fecundity, recording/entering/summarizing data, and/or conducting preliminary statistical analyses. This project also emphasizes the importance of community engagement, thus interns will regularly interact with fishery stakeholders.
We prioritize one’s potential over experience in order to promote skill development and self confidence in undergraduate students that have not yet had opportunities to participate in scientific research. Prospective students should be organized, detail-oriented, and interested in upholding standardized data collection protocols. A keen interest in fisheries and/or marine science is desired. All necessary training for field- and lab-based work will be provided. Program participants will be directly supervised by a graduate student who will be responsible for day-to-day activities. Undergraduates will also meet with their faculty mentor on a biweekly basis (more, if requested) and participate in IMF Lab meetings. The Integrated Marine Fisheries (IMF) Lab ( is committed to holistic mentoring that promotes effective training for scholarly research and maximizes individualized growth. We work to create an environment that is accessible, equitable, intellectually stimulating, safe, emotionally supportive, and free from harassment of any kind. We encourage critical thinking, skepticism, and creativity in all discussions. We help plan and direct student research activities by setting reasonable and attainable goals and establishing appropriate timelines for successful completion. We also meet with students on a regular basis to answer questions, discuss progress, and provide resources for professional development. The IMF Lab intentionally seeks out and supports diverse identities, backgrounds, and perspectives — doing so improves the quality of our work and enriches our daily lives. Thus, we strongly encourage those who identify with underrepresented and/or historically marginalized groups to apply.
Learning Outcomes:
Program participants will gain valuable, hands-on experience through field- and/or lab-based data collection and other types of project support. Students can expect to learn an assortment of tools and techniques that are commonly used in marine fisheries science. Specifically, undergraduates will work with a graduate student to sample and dissect fish, preserve and prepare biological samples for further processing, and collect relevant life history data (e.g., ages, maturity stages, fecundity). Some scientific literature review and/or database management may also be involved.
Expected start and end date:
January 6, 2025 - March 1, 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage :
Faculty Mentor Names:
Dr. Victor Ribeiro ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Departments:
Crop and Soil Science
Research modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
The Willamette Valley in western Oregon is a leading seed production region for cool-season grass and legume crops. Lolium multiflorum is both a crop, known as annual ryegrass, and a weed, known as Italian ryegrass, in the state. Its management often relies on chemical control, which has led to the evolution of herbicide-resistant populations within the seed production region. Recently, growers reported control failures of L. multiflorum with glyphosate and clethodim, two commonly used herbicides in grass and legume cropping systems. In response to increasing requests from growers to test L. multiflorum populations for resistance and improve management strategies, this study aims to screen populations collected across the Willamette Valley for resistance to four different herbicide modes of action commonly used in grass and legume seed crops. The results of this study will help guide growers and practitioners in selecting appropriate herbicides to manage L. multiflorum and delay resistance evolution.
Project Description:
This study is designed to address growers' requests for formal resistance testing. Six field-collected Lolium multiflorum populations will be tested for resistance to clethodim, glufosinate, glyphosate, and pronamide. These herbicides represent four different modes of action commonly used for L. multiflorum control in grass and legume cropping systems in the region. A herbicide-susceptible population will be included for comparison. Lolium multiflorum seeds will be germinated in 250-cm3 acrylic square germination boxes in a growth chamber with continuous light at 15 °C. Seedlings (with an approximately 5 cm shoot length) from each population will be individually transplanted into 750-cm3 square pots filled with a commercial potting mix. The experimental unit will consist of a square pot containing a single plant. The experiment will be conducted in the greenhouse using a randomized complete block design with four replications and will be repeated 14 days later. Herbicide rates of 0, 1, and 2 times (X) the recommended labeled rate will be used. Herbicides will be applied to L. multiflorum plants at the 2- to 3-leaf stage using a research track sprayer delivering 140 L ha-1 spray solution. Plants will be visually assessed as dead (completely necrotic plants; assessed value of 0) or alive (green tissue and evidence of regrowth; assessed value of 1) at 21 days after treatment. Aboveground biomass will be harvested, and the dry weight will be used to determine the percentage of biomass reduction. The data will be analyzed, and the results will be communicated to growers.
Description of Work Environment:
The work will take place on campus, where the student will work in the Weed Science lab in the Department of Crop and Soil Science and at the greenhouse.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Project activities will include counting and germinating seeds, transplanting seedlings, collecting data (both visual and biomass), processing samples (weighing biomass and entering data), and analyzing the data.
Students with previous experience in plant science-related projects or those eager to gain lab and greenhouse experience in a Weed Science project are encouraged to apply. Students will learn skills related to experimental design, data analysis, and scientific communication, along with knowledge about weed management and resistance evolution.
Learning Outcomes:
- Design and conduct greenhouse experiments
- Phenotype weed populations as resistant or susceptible to herbicides
- Data analysis and scientific communication
- Gain experience working in a collaborative environment alongside a team of scientists
Expected start and end date:
December 2024 - February 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Massimo Bionaz ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Animal and Rangeland Sciences
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
To assess the effect of feeding spent hemp biomass (SHB) to broiler chickens, we enrolled 200 birds and provided them 0, 5, 10, and 20% SHB in the diet with 50 birds per group and 5 pens for each group with 10 birds/pen. During the 42-day experiment, cameras were set up to record the birds’ behavioral experiments we ran, such as the reaction of novel objects, reaction to human interaction, and color memory. At the end of the experiment, the birds were euthanized, and their brain was collected and weighed. Furthermore, feathers were collected to measure corticosterone as an index of chronic stress. The students will be required to analyze the videos using software to quantify behavior and extract and measure using ELISA corticosterone in the feathers.
Project Description:
Industrial hemp was legalized in 2018 when its cultivation boomed in the U.S.A. From the extraction of cannabinoids from the hemp, the spent hemp biomass (SHB) is obtained as a byproduct. The SHB has ideal nutritional characteristics for livestock feed and could also be used with chickens. SHB is not legal to be fed to animals because it contains cannabinoids. Besides the level of cannabinoid residuals in the products, the FDA-CVM requires data on the effect on animal health to move forward with the legalization of hemp byproducts as feed ingredients. The SHB contains up to 3% cannabidiol (CBD) and some residual of the psychoactive ∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) Recent studies indicate that feeding CBD decreases anxiety/stress via the interaction with the endocannabinoid system. Thus, it is possible that feeding SHB decreases stress in chicken broilers and affects their behavior. The study aims to determine how feeding SHB would affect behavior using broilers as an animal model. We hypothesize that feeding SHB lessens the broilers' natural fear response and increases memory and curiosity. For this purpose, we enrolled 200 chicken broilers at 5 days old and provided them 0, 5, 10, and 20% SHB in the diet with 50 birds per group and 5 pens for each group with 10 birds/pen. During the 42-day experiment, cameras were set up to record the birds’ behavioral experiments we ran, such as the reaction of novel objects, reaction to human interaction, and color memory. For the human interaction experiment, observers stood silently for 2 minutes and then paced the pen's length 3 times. For the novel object experiment, wooden painted blocks (2 x 2 in.) with 4 colors (green, red, yellow, and blue) were put in the pen for 5 minutes. We plan to measure the latency of the first bird to approach, the number of birds that approach the object, and the number of birds that touch the object. For the color memory, we used 4 bowls (purple, blue, orange, and green) and planned to measure the latency of the first bird to approach the feed bowl and the number of birds and their speed in approaching the feed bowl. At the end of the experiment, the birds were euthanized, and their brain was collected and weighed. Furthermore, feathers were collected to measure corticosterone using ELISA as an index of chronic stress.
Description of Work Environment:
Primarily campus lab
Description of Student Responsibilities:
The student will have to extract the corticosterone from feathers and perform the ELISA assay.
Basic laboratory skills for the ELISA and skills in using programs for the behavioral measurements using software.
Learning outcomes:
Students will learn:
- ELISA assay.
- use of software to measure behavior.
- data organization and statistical analysis.
- write a report and a scientific manuscript.
Expected start and end date:
January 2025 - June 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Names:
Dr. Jung Kwon ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Food Science & Technology
Research modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
The project will investigate the potential health benefits of peptide products generated from hazelnut meal protein following in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion.
Project Description:
Residual hazelnut meal, the material obtained after pressing the nuts for oil extraction, represents around 40% of the kernel mass. Hazelnut meal produced this way is generally considered a by-product and often used as a low-value feed ingredient. However, hazelnut meal contains high nutritional contents, including protein (35-55%) and various micronutrients such as Vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, and calcium. This suggests a high potential for hazelnut meal to be upcycled and used to support human nutrition. This project will focus on the initial research development utilizing hazelnut meal of Oregon cultivars and evaluating the potential health benefits of peptide products generated from hazelnut meal protein digestion. Specifically, the project will focus on producing protein concentrate from hazelnut meal using the isoelectric precipitation method and evaluating the potential health benefits of peptide products generated from hazelnut meal protein following simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion.
Description of Work Environment:
Primarily lab work on campus, and computer-based data analysis.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
The student will perform experiments by working closely with graduate students in the lab. The student is expected to read scientific literature associated with their project, analyze the data, attend weekly lab meetings, and present their data.
The student must have the following skills and qualifications.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills;
- Time management skills and a strong sense of responsibility to complete a given task;
- Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively;
- Attention to detail and ability to follow protocols consistently;
- Proficiency with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint); and
- Introductory statistics.
Learning outcomes:
The student will learn how to plan, design, conduct scientific experiments, and analyze and interpret data.
Expected start and end date:
Start of Winter 2025 to end of Spring 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Luyao Ma ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Food Science & Technology
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
The perishable nature of seafood, driven by oxidation and indigenous bacteria in post-mortem, makes rapid quality assessment crucial for ensuring consumers’ satisfaction and safety. Traditional quality tests focus on measuring protein, total volatile basic nitrogen, and total viable microbial count, which damages food and needs a trained expert. This project will integrate non-destructive tools and artificial intelligence (AI) for rapid, user-friendly, and affordable seafood quality assessment.
Project Description:
This project aims to develop non-destructive AI-based tools for seafood quality assessment. The outlines of this project are as follows: (i) developing a data collection workflow using non-destructive spectral sensors; (ii) applying data pre-processing methods for training AI models efficiently; and (iii) validating the AI-based assessment method by comparing its accuracy with traditional methods.
Description of Work Environment:
Students will conduct experiments in the laboratory located in Wiegand Hall within the Department of Food Science & Technology. Prior to lab work, students must complete safety training provided by OSU Environmental Health and Safety, as well as lab-specific trainings. In addition, students will have access to a dedicated office desk and the student lounge for study and collaboration.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Compliance with all safety protocols
Read relevant scientific literature
Conduct assigned experiments, including wet lab and data analysis
Research experience or coursework in analytical chemistry is a plus but not mandatory.
Basic programming skills (e.g., Python, MATLAB) are preferred but not required. Training will be provided for specific tasks as needed.
Learning outcomes:
Gain hands-on experience in conducting independent experiments in food quality assessment and analytical chemistry.
Develop skills in data analysis.
Acquire knowledge of artificial intelligence and food science, along with skills in scientific communication through oral and poster presentations.
Expected start and end date:
Fall 2024 – Winter 2025 term
Anticipated hours per week:
Varies, typically 4-8 hours per week
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Names:
Dr. Luyao Ma ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Food Science & Technology
Research Modalitiy:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the top three global public health threats, alongside cancer and climate change. In the United States, approximately 70% of antibiotics are used in the food system, contributing to the rise of AMR bacteria. The spread of AMR significantly limits treatment options for bacterial infections, leading to prolonged hospitalizations and increased mortality. To address this growing threat, our research aims to develop a rapid, user-friendly, and cost-effective detection method using artificial intelligence (AI) and optical imaging to identify AMR-contaminated food products in the food supply chain, helping to mitigate the transmission of resistant bacteria.
Project Description:
This project addresses AMR issues in food by developing AI-based advanced sensing techniques. The project will focus on three key objectives: (i) developing and optimizing an AI-enabled imaging detection method for identifying AMR bacteria; (ii) collecting an AMR bacterial image dataset for training machine learning models; and (iii) validating the detection method using real food samples. The long-term goal is to create an efficient, reliable, and scalable solution to enhance food safety and mitigate the spread of AMR through the food supply chain.
Description of Work Environment:
Students will conduct experiments in a Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) laboratory located in Wiegand Hall within the Department of Food Science & Technology. Students will have access to a dedicated office desk and the student lounge for study and collaboration.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Complete all relevant safety training and compliance with safety protocols
Read relevant scientific literature
Conduct assigned experiments, including wet lab and data analysis
Research experience or coursework in microbiology is a plus but not mandatory.
Basic programming skills (e.g., Python, MATLAB) are preferred but not required. Training will be provided for specific tasks as needed.
Learning outcomes:
Gain hands-on experience in conducting independent experiments in microbiology, microscopy, and imaging techniques.
Develop skills in data analysis.
Acquire knowledge of antimicrobial resistance, food safety, and the application of artificial intelligence in food science, along with skills in scientific communication through oral and poster presentations.
Expected start and end date:
Fall 2024 term – Winter 2025 term
Anticipated hours per week:
Varies, typically 4-8 hours per week
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Beth A. Rowan ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an important agricultural crop for the United States, as it is one of the vegetables most often consumed by Americans. The growth environment in current major production areas in California and Arizona are facing challenges as the climate warms and becomes more unpredictable. While conventional breeding practices to produce climate resilient varieties of lettuce can be employed to mitigate stress from changes to precipitation and temperatures in the current growing areas, biotechnology may make it faster to combine beneficial alleles for different traits. This can be achieved either through integration of these alleles as transgenes or through genome editing (which often involves temporary introduction of a transgene). However, gene sequences that are introduced to a plant’s genome as a transgene are often subjected to silencing mechanisms within the plant, which will end up turning those genes off. This research project tests different expression designs for transgenes, aiming to find a design that will not be subjected to gene silencing over multiple generations. We use a sequence of three transgenes that together produce the red pigment betalain to monitor the silencing status of different expression designs. We have an ongoing project where we have evaluated three expression designs in two different cultivars of lettuce over two generations and we are currently seeking an undergraduate researcher to evaluate the third generation.
Project Description:
Together with the faculty supervisor, the undergraduate researcher will review the data collected from the first two generations of this experiment and select progeny lines to study in the third generation. The researcher will then grow many plants from each of the progeny lines for each of the three different expression designs and evaluate them over a three-week period. At this point, the researcher will select individuals to grow to maturity and give rise to the seeds that will be studied in the fourth generation of this experiment. The undergraduate researcher will continue to monitor the selected plants over a 2-3 month period, recording key phenotypes and observations. The undergraduate will also be responsible for general plant care during this period, which will involve transplanting the plants to larger pots when needed, labeling and tracking the plants, and adding fertilizer when needed. As the plants begin to reach the end of their life cycle, the undergraduate researcher will bag the plants when they begin to set seed, and collect the seeds when the plants are ready to be harvested.
Description of Work Environment:
The work environment will primarily be in the West Greenhouses and sometimes in the campus lab.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
- Review data from previous generations
- Select and sow out progeny lines
- Evaluate the phenotypes of the seedlings for the first three weeks
- Select lines for further study
- Transplant seedlings to larger pots and grow to maturity
- General plant care (fertilizer application, removal of senescent leaves, autoclaving plant waste)
- Record observations and phenotypes of the selected lines as they grow to maturity
- Harvest and collect seeds
- Analyze data and prepare figures relevant to the findings
- Experimental design
- Phenotypic evaluation
- Plant care and greenhouse management
- Data analysis
- Figure preparation
Learning outcomes:
During the course of this research project, the student will learn the skills listed above, plus they will learn the concept of transgene silencing/stability. Their research will reveal whether the stability of these three expression designs is similar to what was observed in the previous two generations.
Expected start and end date:
Start date: January 15, 2025; End Date: June 6, 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentors Names:
Dr. Beth A. Rowan ([email protected])
Faculty Mentors Departments:
Research Modality:
Entirely remote/virtual
Project Abstract:
Since the first demonstration that bacterial CRISPR-Cas9 systems could be engineered to act as a programmable nuclease that could be used to produce targeted mutations, researchers have widely adopted and adapted the technology for a variety of uses. These range from its use as a research tool to understand basic principles of biology to using it to advance biomedical treatments and to improve agricultural crops. However, the technology itself is not a one-size-fits-all strategy and it often takes research and refinement to get it to work efficiently in different species. Although genome editing was first applied to lettuce several years ago, it has only recently become efficient enough to generate many mutant alleles for every experiment. Consequently, we currently have a lot of data about the types of mutations that are generated in lettuce. While the general pattern of 1-bp insertions and 1-bp deletions being the most frequent types of mutations in other organisms also holds true for lettuce, we are now interested in analyzing these mutations in finer detail and identify whether there are sequence features at the guide target site associated with particular types of mutations. The Rowan Lab is seeking an undergraduate student to analyze CRISPR mutations and identify patterns that may help us understand more about the repair processes that might be giving rise to the CRISPR-induced mutations that we observe and may also inform guide design/selection to achieve specific types of mutations.
Project Description:
Together with the faculty supervisor, the undergraduate researcher will organize and catalog the mutations identified across several different CRISPR experiments in lettuce. The undergraduate will analyze the frequency of different types of mutations and test whether there are sequence features that are associated with particular mutations. For insertion mutations, the undergraduate researcher will determine whether there is any bias in the nucleotide that is inserted and whether these might arise from a templated or a non-templated repair process.
Description of Work Environment:
This is a remote project that can be done completely remotely on the student's laptop or home desktop computer.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
The student will be responsible for analyzing existing data. The student is expected to be able to manage his/her/their own time. The student will meet with the faculty advisor regularly to share results and receive guidance.
Students will acquire skills in data analysis and DNA sequence analysis.
Learning outcomes:
In addition to the skills listed above, the student will learn about the CRISPR-Cas9 system and its application to plants.
Expected start and end date:
Flexible - can begin anytime between January 2025 and March 2025, can end when the project is completed.
Anticipated hours per week:
Flexible - I expect this project to require about 60-62 hours of work in total, which can be spread out in fewer hours per week over more weeks or more hours per week for fewer weeks.
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Scott Heppell ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Seagrasses provide a wealth of ecosystem services, including key nursery habitat for ecologically and economically important fished species. Globally, seagrass habitat and these associated ecosystem services are threatened by human development and climate change. To mitigate this impact, mandated restorations have occurred across the United States, including in Oregon’s estuaries. Our goal is to retroactively compare the nursery function of natural seagrass beds versus beds that were restored on different timescales (4 and 34 years ago) to determine if and when they become indistinguishable in performance from naturally occurring beds. To do so we will assess fish and invertebrate communities (biodiversity and abundance) across multiple sites. This will allow us to define expectations and timelines for the recovery of nursery function, acting as a guiding framework for making informed restoration decisions.
Project Description:
This is a field-based study to assess the fish and crab communities that use restored eelgrass beds, and is part of Olivia Boisen’s PhD research. The two restored sites are located in the Coos Bay estuary, one near Valino Island in the South Slough and the other near the OTH airport ~5 miles upriver. We also monitor both a nearby mudflat as a non-vegetated baseline site, and a natural eelgrass bed as an ideal, undisturbed reference site. We deploy fish traps to capture small fish attracted to structure, and modified shrimp pots to trap larger crabs. We record species, lengths, and sex of all captured animals before releasing them back into their habitat. These data will help assess the suitability of restored eelgrass beds as habitat for fishes and invertebrates - a key objective of restoration efforts that is often overlooked in post-restoration monitoring. We collaborate with research groups such as the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve (SSNERR) and students from the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology (OIMB) to collect data that informs management decisions. For example, we have been catching both adult and juvenile invasive European green crabs, which are of concern in U.S. estuaries. SSNERR is particularly interested in our results at Valino Island since they performed the restoration at that site in response to massive declines in eelgrass in the slough.
Description of Work Environment:
This is largely a field-based study in Coos Bay, although some lab work in Newport and/or Corvallis may also happen. We will provide transportation to/from the field. While the low tides are predicable, winter and spring weather can be cold, rainy, and windy. We can provide raingear. Both locations are tidally influenced, meaning we have short windows to process the catch and sometimes these times fall in the early mornings or evenings. One site is only accessible by boat, which will land on the mudflat and we walk the traps out to the various sites. Waders will be provided but participants should expect to get muddy and wet (it’s fun!). Our field crew stays in a heated yurt provided by SSNERR 4-5 days per month. You will need to bring a sleeping bag/blankets and pillow, but we can provide those if needed. The main house has a kitchen, restrooms, showers, etc.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
The student is expected to join as many of our monthly sampling days in Coos Bay as possible for the duration of their position, acknowledging that class schedules may limit participation on some trips. Tasks will include helping to set traps, taking sediment cores, and processing the catch. We will provide transportation for participants attending the entire trip. However, for anyone who is only available for part of the trip may need to arrange their own transportation. The student can also help with entering and proofing data for additional work hours.
The student should be comfortable with and careful when handling fish, shrimp, and crabs. Animal handler training will be provided. Species identification and sex determination will be taught, though it is expected that students will become proficient in these skills quickly. The box minnow traps are bulky and weighed 15+ lbs. We prefer the student be physically able to lift and transport heavy objects over mudflats, but this is not a requirement. The student should be comfortable on small boats in sometimes choppy water and be able to exit and board a landed vessel. We hope the student will maintain enthusiasm and a positive attitude, even in challenging conditions.
Learning outcomes:
The student will gain hands-on experience conducting fieldwork in an estuary environment. They will learn how to schedule around a tidal cycle and how to sample fish and invertebrate communities. Skills with species identification, measuring, and sexing crabs will be developed throughout this research experience. Mentorship from a graduate student, along with potential opportunities to pursue an independent research project, may be available for students who are interested. More information about the project and mentorship by Olivia Boisen can be found here:
Expected start and end date:
Winter-Spring 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Scott Heppell ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conervation Sciences
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Kelp forests are prime examples of threatened habitats that are critical to countless marine species. Unfortunately, multiple stressors have led to recent declines of kelp forests along the US West Coast. Despite robust monitoring efforts across much of this region, underwater surveys in Oregon mainly target invertebrates and algae, whereas fish surveys are rare. Clearly, there is an urgent need to continue to monitor kelp persistence in Oregon, and to enhance our tracking of changes in fish communities in response to both overall declines and seasonal fluctuations in kelp cover. To address this, we will compare changes in fish communities over time using historical and novel kelp forest community composition data collected through SCUBA surveys. Overall, this study will offer critical insights into the role of kelp forests in sustaining important fish species in Oregon.
Project Description:
Since kelp forest fish count data are relatively rare in Oregon, we plan to use three different methods to characterize Oregon’s kelp forest fish communities. The three techniques to be used are: underwater fish counts via scuba, video surveys, and water sample (eDNA) analysis. SCUBA diving on the Oregon coast is considerably more challenging than other more commonly sampled temperate regions (i.e. central - southern California, the Puget Sound, and British Columbia) due to its lack of protected inlets or bays, generally creating rough ocean conditions. Additionally, during Oregon’s generally calmer summer season, intense plankton blooms often reduce visibility to less than one meter, making visual fish surveys nearly impossible. Thus, to monitor Oregon’s kelp forests and their fish communities in particular, researchers may need to employ a variety of methods that circumvent the challenges imposed by diving in coastal Oregon. You will learn to compare the methods used to collect kelp forest community composition data, with an emphasis on how these techniques fare in characterizing Oregon’s nearshore fish communities. This project will be one of the first to provide both general information about which fish species are present in Oregon’s kelp forests and the best methods for detecting them.
Description of Work Environment:
Research will be conducted in both lab and field settings. Data collection will occur at sites around Newport, OR and Coos Bay, OR. We will provide transportation to field work locations. Data processing will occur in Nash Hall at the Corvallis campus. The lab has ample office space for data entry, video processing, and other work that would need to be done on a laptop. We also have lab space at the Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC) in Newport, OR that students could work in as well if interested.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Students will have the opportunity to conduct hands-on field work including water sampling, preparing sampling gear for divers, and even the opportunity to participate in dive surveys for those with scientific dive certification. These field surveys would take place two days per month in coastal Oregon. In the lab, students will learn to prepare and process eDNA samples, analyze community composition data, watch videos and identify and measure fishes using a computer program, and analyze results from eDNA analysis in R.
We will prioritize a student’s potential over experience so that undergraduate students that have not yet had opportunities to conduct scientific research can gain experience in the field. Prospective students should be organized, detail-oriented, timely, and excited about conducting research. A strong interest in fisheries and/or marine science is desired. Students with an interest in SCUBA diving applications to research are also desired, but no SCUBA diving experience is necessary. All necessary training for field and lab based work will be provided. Program participants will be directly supervised by a graduate student who will be responsible for day-to-day activities. Undergraduates will also meet with their faculty mentor on at least a biweekly basis (more, if requested) and participate in lab meetings when possible. We will work with students to help plan and direct student research activities by setting reasonable and attainable goals and establishing appropriate timelines for successful completion.
Learning outcomes:
Students will gain valuable, hands-on experience through field and lab based data collection and analysis. Undergraduates will work with a graduate student to collect water samples from a small boat, process videos and identify temperate fishes, and process water samples for eDNA analysis. Students will also practice programming skills in R studio to perform eDNA and community assemblage analysis and gain experience with database management. Lastly, students will work with a graduate student to develop a research question pertaining to the data collected and gain skills in scientific writing and presenting their findings to both academic and non-academic audiences.
Expected start and end date:
Winter 2025 - Spring 2025 (with the possibility to continue their project into Summer 2025 and beyond)
Anticipated hours per week:
2-8 (varies based on field work versus lab work needs)
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Hong Liu ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Biological and Ecological Engineering
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Acid whey, a byproduct of yogurt and other dairy processes, poses significant recovery, environmental, and disposal challenges. Its high concentrations of lactic acid and minerals complicate whey powder production, while its acidity and organic content make it difficult to treat through conventional wastewater methods, increasing the risk of pollution if not properly managed. The valuable nutrients in acid whey, such as organics and minerals, highlight concerns about waste and missed opportunities for resource recovery. By converting acid whey into valuable bioproducts, we can mitigate pollution and create new economic opportunities in the agricultural sector. This project aims to develop technologies to recover proteins, lactose, fatty acids, and minerals from acid whey, enhancing the sustainability and profitability of the dairy industry.
Project Description:
Whey is a byproduct of dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt. It is rich in lactose, vitamins, proteins, and minerals. There are two main types of whey: sweet whey and acid whey. Sweet whey is typically further processed to make whey powder, lactose, whey protein concentrate and demineralized whey powder. Unlike sweet whey, which is produced during rennet coagulation, acid whey is challenging to dry to powder due to the presence of lactic acid (up to 16 times the concentration of lactic acid to that in sweet whey) and high levels of calcium. Due to the hygroscopic nature of lactate ions, powder agglomerates and sticky deposits form within the dryer, which cannot be tolerated during normal operation. Consequently, acid whey is often used as stock feed for neighboring farms or discharged as waste effluent, posing a significant disposal challenge for the dairy industry. Due to the rising costs of waste treatment and the rich nutritional components of acid whey, there is growing commercial interest in its separation and fractionation. Reducing the lactic acid concentration is necessary for efficient processing of acid whey in downstream spray drying operations. Neutralization of the lactic acid has been studied as a potential approach to resolve this issue but this approach results in bitter and astringent flavors. Electrodialysis (ED), which relies on the transfer of charged species from the dilute (feed) stream to a concentrate stream, through a series of cation and anion selective membranes under a constantly applied electrical potential has emerged as a technology to remove and recover lactic acid from acid whey due to its following advantages: 1) selective recovery: efficiently separates lactic acid without altering the flavor profile of the whey; 2) renewable power compatibility: using renewable electricity in the process reduces the carbon footprint and promotes sustainable and eco-friendly processing; 3) scalability: Can be scaled up for industrial applications, making it suitable for large-scale operations. However, proteins and fat present in the whey can cause fouling of the electrodialysis membranes. Therefore, pretreating the acid whey before the ED system is necessary to ensure the efficiency of subsequent processes for lactose and whey powder production. Chitosan, a natural polysaccharide derived from the deacetylation of chitin found in the exoskeleton of crustaceans, has great potential for pretreating acid whey before electrodialysis (ED). Its unique properties and functional groups enable it to bind with proteins and other organic compounds, effectively reducing their concentrations in the acid whey. Additionally, chitosan can be a valuable additive in animal feed, offering multiple benefits ranging from improved growth and health to enhanced food safety and environmental sustainability, and it also has potential for human consumption. Thus, pretreatment with chitosan can enhance the efficiency of subsequent processes such as lactate and lactose recovery and whey powder production, while potentially recovering valuable feed for both animal and human consumption. The overall goal of this project is to develop an integrated physicochemical, and electrochemical processes to economically recover resources from acid whey to reduce the cost for waste management of dairy industry. More specifically, the following objectives will be achieved: (1) Optimization of acid whey pretreatment using chitosan. This will involve determining the ideal chitosan concentration, contact time, and pH levels to maximize the recovery of fat and protein, making the whey more amenable to subsequent separation process. (2) Optimization of electrodialysis to separate and concentrate valuable components, including lactic acid, minerals, and lactose from the pretreated whey. We will calibrate the electrodialysis setup to optimize recovery rates and purity of the extracted compounds by adjusting factors such as membrane type, voltage, current, and process duration. (3) Integration of pretreatment and electrodialysis. We will set up a continuous flow lab system based on the conditions determined in Objectives 1 and 2 to evaluate the operational stability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.
Description of Work Environment:
Primarily in Professor Liu's lab
Description of Student Responsibilities:
The student will collaborate with a PhD student on the following tasks:
- Collect samples from our reactors
- Prepare and analyze samples following standard procedures
- Analyze the collected data using Excel
Skills the student can gain from conducting these tasks:
- Hands-on experience in preparing and analyzing samples using standard laboratory protocols, which enhances attention to detail and procedural consistency;
- Training in interpreting experimental results, identifying trends, and understanding the relationship between variables;
- Working closely with a PhD student fosters teamwork and communication skills
Preferred pre-existing skills:
- A basic understanding of chemistry or biology concepts;
- Familiarity with common lab equipment (e.g., pipettes, balances, centrifuges);
- Attention to detail.
Learning outcomes:
The student will gain valuable experience in following standard lab protocols, an essential skill in both academic and industry settings. Additionally, they will develop a deeper understanding of experimental design and execution, including the importance of proper sampling, data accuracy, and procedure replication, as well as the ability to recognize industry-relevant challenges.
Expected start and end date:
Jan 15-May 15
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Jooyeoun Jung ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Food Science and Technology
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Chitin and chitosan are known for their strong antimicrobial properties, but there has been limited research on extracting these substances from black soldier fly (BSF), a common byproduct of insect farming and waste management. This ongoing study aims to optimize chemical methods for extracting chitin and chitosan from BSF and to explore their material properties for use in developing active biodegradable packaging. The chemical extraction process will involve using sodium hydroxide to remove proteins. The extracted chitin will then be converted into chitosan through further treatment with sodium hydroxide. The chitin will be analyzed based on its viscosity-average molecular weight, degree of deacetylation, and using FTIR spectroscopy. Additionally, the antibacterial properties of the chitosan will be tested using the disc diffusion method to assess its potential for active packaging applications.
Project Description:
Introduction: The black soldier fly (BSF) (Hermetia illucens) is increasingly recognized for its significant role in sustainable waste management and agriculture. The larvae of BSF are efficient decomposers, capable of breaking down various types of organic waste, including food and agricultural residues. This makes BSF a crucial component in integrated waste treatment systems, converting organic material into valuable biomass such as protein-rich feed for livestock and nutrient-dense compost. In the lifecycle of BSF, a large number of insects naturally die post-larval and pupal stages, resulting in a surplus of dead BSF. This biomass presents an opportunity for the extraction of valuable biopolymers like chitin and chitosan, ensuring that no part of the BSF life cycle goes to waste. Chitin, a natural polymer found in the exoskeletons of arthropods and insects, and its derivative chitosan, are known for their antimicrobial properties, biodegradability, and biocompatibility. These characteristics make them ideal candidates for developing sustainable packaging solutions. While extensive research has explored chitin and chitosan from sources like crustaceans (e.g., shrimp and crabs), the extraction and application of these biopolymers from dead BSF remains underdeveloped. This study aims to fill that gap by optimizing chemical methods for extracting chitin and chitosan from BSF and exploring their material properties for use in active biodegradable packaging.
Significance of Study: This study addresses the need for sustainable solutions in waste management and packaging industries by using dead BSF as a novel source of chitin and chitosan. BSF biomass is abundantly available as a byproduct of waste treatment and insect farming processes, providing a renewable and underutilized resource. Developing methods to efficiently extract and utilize chitosan from dead BSF not only maximizes the value of these byproducts but also contributes to the development of biodegradable packaging solutions that reduce reliance on conventional plastics. The project supports circular economy practices by ensuring that all components of the BSF lifecycle are used effectively. Additionally, the antimicrobial properties of chitosan can enhance the shelf life of packaged food, addressing the growing demand for packaging that can actively preserve food products.
- Optimize chemical extraction methods for isolating chitin and chitosan from dead BSF.
- Characterize the extracted chitosan to assess its suitability for packaging applications.
- Evaluate the antimicrobial properties of the extracted chitosan for use in active packaging systems.
Materials and Methods:
- Sample Collection and Preparation: o Dead BSF will be collected from insect farms and organic waste treatment facilities. The exoskeletons of these insects will be cleaned and dried to remove any impurities or residues before extraction.
Chemical Extraction of Chitin and Chitosan:
- The extraction process will be optimized to isolate chitin from the BSF exoskeletons. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) will be used for the deproteinization process to remove proteins bound to the chitin.
- The extracted chitin will then be converted into chitosan through a deacetylation process using sodium hydroxide. This step will involve various factors with a wide range of levels to remove acetyl groups, converting it into chitosan.
Characterization of Extracted Chitin and Chitosan:
- The extracted chitin and chitosan will be analyzed using several methods to determine their structural and chemical properties. These methods include:
- FTIR Spectroscopy: To identify functional groups and confirm the successful conversion of chitin to chitosan by detecting characteristic peaks.
- Degree of Deacetylation (DD): To measure the extent of chitin conversion to chitosan, an important parameter influencing its solubility and antimicrobial properties.
- Viscosity-Average Molecular Weight: To assess the molecular size and stability of chitosan, which are critical for film-forming properties.
Antimicrobial Testing of Chitosan:
- The antibacterial properties of chitosan will be evaluated using the disc diffusion method. The test will be conducted against E. coli.
- Different concentrations of chitosan will be tested to determine their effectiveness in inhibiting microbial growth. The zones of inhibition will be measured and compared to standard antimicrobial agents.
Description of Work Environment:
This project will primarily take place in the Corvallis campus labs within the Department of Food Science and Technology, offering a dynamic and hands-on learning environment. Students will engage in chitosan extraction, examining its intrinsic properties and applying this knowledge to film formulation. They will be involved in a variety of tasks, including preparing and optimizing conversion processes for producing chitosan materials from black soldier flies from organic waste treatments, and assessing their physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. The lab environment is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and instrumentation, providing students with opportunities to work with tools such as a texture analyzer for mechanical testing, a colorimeter for color assessment, and a UV/Vis spectrophotometer. Students will handle various chemicals and materials while adhering to safety protocols and proper lab procedures. Collaboration is a key aspect of the work environment, as students will interact closely with graduate students and lab staff, gaining insights into advanced techniques and research methodologies. This collaborative setup fosters an atmosphere of learning and professional growth, encouraging students to develop problem-solving skills and hands-on experience in food science and materials analysis.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Firstly, students will undergo a comprehensive learning process designed to equip them with the foundational skills and knowledge necessary for conducting research. This process will include an orientation to lab protocols, safety training, and hands-on learning with the equipment and materials specific to the project. Students will initially engage in shadowing a graduate student who is working on a similar project, allowing them to observe and learn research techniques, experimental procedures, and best practices for data collection and analysis. Once students are familiar with the methodologies and have developed a solid understanding of the project's scope, they will collaborate with their mentor to create a detailed research plan and tentative schedule. This plan will outline specific experiments to guide their independent work. Following this preparation, students will conduct experiments independently, applying the skills and knowledge gained during the learning phase. They will be responsible for preparing and analyzing chitosan materials, and accurately recording data. To ensure continuous progress and maintain communication, students are expected to submit weekly reports to the advisor. These reports should detail the activities performed, any data collected, challenges encountered, and preliminary findings. The advisor will review these reports, providing feedback and guidance during weekly meetings. This routine will facilitate a structured and supportive environment for students to make consistent progress, troubleshoot any issues, and refine their research techniques as they gain experience.
Students will acquire a range of skills throughout the research project, with no prior experience required. However, all students must complete lab safety training before beginning any work in the lab.
Learning outcomes:
Demonstrate proficiency in optimizing chemical extraction methods for isolating chitin and chitosan from dead black soldier fly (BSF), including proper handling of chemicals, understanding extraction protocols, and adjusting process parameters to achieve maximum yield and purity. Analyze and characterize the properties of extracted chitosan using various analytical techniques (e.g., FTIR spectroscopy, viscosity measurements, and degree of deacetylation) to determine its suitability for use in biodegradable packaging applications. Evaluate the antimicrobial properties of chitosan through testing methods such as the disc diffusion assay, and interpret results to assess its effectiveness in active packaging systems for food preservation. Apply scientific methods and critical thinking skills to refine extraction processes and improve the performance of chitosan-based packaging materials, ensuring that students can independently troubleshoot and optimize research procedures. Communicate research findings effectively through weekly reports, presentations, and discussions, demonstrating an ability to articulate the relationship between chitosan properties and its practical applications in biodegradable packaging.
Expected start and end date:
Jan 6 - Jun 6
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
**NOTE: This project has received a large number of applicants.**
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Brittany Barker ([email protected]), Dr. Carrie Preston ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Horticulture and Oregon IPM Center
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
We are conducting laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies to better understand the development of the rosette weevil (Ceratapion basicorne), a new biocontrol agent for invasive yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis). Experimental data will be used to improve rearing methods for C. basicorne and to develop models that predict how its development and geographic range overlap with those of its host under different climates.
Project Description:
Biological control (biocontrol) is the release of natural enemies such as insect predators to control an invasive species. We are conducting laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies to better understand the life cycle of the rosette weevil (Ceratapion basicorne), a new biocontrol agent for yellow starthistle (YST, Centaurea solstitialis), in relation to its host and environment. YST is one of the most serious invasive weeds in the western U.S., where it forms massive infestations that negatively impact rangelands and agricultural systems. Additional biocontrol for YST is needed because the weed continues to spread, and alternative management methods such as herbicides are expensive, impractical, and potentially harmful to native species. One objective of our project is to quantify how seed source and environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, day length, and drought) influence YST’s development. Our experiments will include (1) measuring plant development in outdoor plots, (2) growing plants in a greenhouse for use in experiments and insect rearing, and (3) entering and analyzing experimental data. Results will be used to improve rearing methods for C. basicorne and to develop models that predict the development of the agent in relation to YST. Ultimately, our project will provide land managers with knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about when and where to release C. basicorne across the western U.S.
Description of Work Environment:
Students will be required to work in a greenhouse in addition to outdoor plots at Oak Creek Center for Urban Horticulture at OSU. Data entry and analysis will be conducted in an office setting at the Oregon IPM Center (Cordley Hall). Thus, work will be conducted in both outdoor and indoor settings. Students must adhere to all safety protocols, which they will be trained on prior to beginning in-person work.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
The student will primarily be mentored by Dr. Carrie Preston (Research Associate), with additional supervision provided by Dr. Brittany Barker (Assistant Research Professor). Student employees will be responsible for:
- Measuring YST’s growth and leaf characteristics in outdoor plots
- Removing unwanted weeds in outdoor plots
- Maintaining plants (potting, watering, etc.) in a greenhouse
- Handling small insects for use in experiments and rearing
- Entering, quality-checking, and organizing data
- Adhering to all safety protocols
- Arriving on time for research activities
- Attending occasional Zoom meetings with the project team
Required skills:
- Ability to measure small plants using a ruler or similar tool
- Kneel, bend, and potentially get dirty/muddy in outdoor settings
- Ability to create and maintain digital documents and spreadsheets
- Experience with organizing, sharing, and collaborative editing documents
- Openness to mentoring and interdisciplinary learning
A preferred skill is experience with growing plants and handling small insects.
Learning outcomes:
In this project, students will:
- Obtain skills in collecting, entering, and analyzing quantitative data
- Learn the process of experiment planning, development, execution, and reporting
- Gain knowledge on the impacts of climate and seed source on plant growth
- Gain experience in engaging and working collaboratively with a team of researchers
Expected start and end date:
January 2025 – June 2025 (potential to continue through summer)
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Serhan Mermer ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
Trisiloxane surfactants (TSS) are extensively used in agriculture to enhance pesticide efficacy, but their potential toxic effects on non-target organisms like honey bees (Apis mellifera, Hymenoptera: Apidae) are not well understood. This study aims to investigate the differential toxicity of three TSS groups, each characterized by distinct functional groups: hydroxyl (-OH), methyl (-CH3), and acetyl (-COCH3). Honey bees will be exposed to a 100 ppm concentration of each TSS in controlled cage-feeding assays over seven days, with groups consisting of 100–200 bees. Mortality rates and behavioral changes will be recorded to assess acute toxicity. To gain deeper insights into the biochemical impacts of TSS, metabolomic profiling using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) will be conducted. This approach will help identify disruptions in key metabolic pathways such as energy production, lipid metabolism, and detoxification processes. Furthermore, oxidative stress will be evaluated by measuring reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels in honey bees exposed to different TSS formulations. Previous studies indicate that the toxicity of TSS varies by functional group, but the mechanisms behind these differences are unclear. This study will provide a comprehensive understanding of how TSS exposure affects honey bee health at both physiological and molecular levels by integrating mortality, metabolomic, and oxidative stress data. The findings will inform risk assessments and regulatory decisions related to the use of surfactants in agrochemical products, ultimately contributing to the development of safer agricultural practices that protect pollinators, which are critical for ecosystem sustainability and agricultural productivity.
Project Description:
Honey bees (Apis mellifera, Hymenoptera: Apidae) play an essential role in pollinating crops, contributing significantly to global food security. However, the decline in honey bee populations, driven by various stressors such as pesticides, habitat loss, diseases, and environmental contaminants, has raised global concerns. Among the chemicals posing a risk to honey bees are surfactants, particularly Trisiloxane Surfactants (TSS). These surfactants are commonly used in agriculture to enhance the spreading and penetration of pesticides, increasing their effectiveness. Despite their widespread use, the toxicity of TSS to honey bees is poorly understood, especially in relation to different functional groups that may influence their effects. Trisiloxane surfactants are organosilicon compounds known for their super-spreading properties, which allow for more efficient pesticide application. TSS contain a hydrophobic siloxane backbone and hydrophilic functional groups, which help in lowering surface tension. Previous studies have suggested that TSS with different functional groups exhibit varying degrees of toxicity, but the mechanisms behind these differences remain unclear. Understanding how TSS affect honey bees at the physiological and molecular levels is crucial for developing safer agrochemical formulations and mitigating risks to non-target species like pollinators. This project aims to address the knowledge gap by assessing the toxicity of three different TSS functional groups (hydroxyl (-OH), methyl (-CH3), and acetyl (-COCH3)) on honey bees. Specifically, we will investigate mortality rates, metabolic disruptions using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) metabolomics, and oxidative stress responses. This research will provide valuable insights into the biochemical mechanisms of TSS toxicity and inform risk assessments to protect honey bees and other pollinators.
Objectives: The overarching goal of this study is to assess the differential toxicity of TSS on honey bees and to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms underlying their effects. To achieve this, the following specific objectives have been defined:
- Objective 1: Assess the acute toxicity of TSS functional groups on honey bees. Conduct cage-based feeding assays to expose honey bees to 100 ppm of three different TSS groups (-OH, -CH3, -COCH3). Measure and compare the mortality rates and behavioral changes across the three TSS treatments to determine the relative toxicity of each functional group.
- Objective 2: Investigate the metabolic responses of honey bees to TSS exposure using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) metabolomics. Analyze the metabolomic profiles of honey bees exposed to different TSS functional groups to identify disruptions in key metabolic pathways, including energy metabolism, lipid metabolism, amino acid metabolism, and detoxification processes. Compare the metabolite profiles of honey bees exposed to each functional group to uncover functional group-specific metabolic alterations.
- Objective 3: Measure the oxidative stress induced by TSS exposure in honey bees. Quantify the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in honey bees exposed to each TSS group to determine the extent of oxidative stress induced by different functional groups.Investigate the relationship between ROS levels and metabolomic changes to better understand the role of oxidative stress in TSS toxicity.
Background and Significance:
Honey bees are indispensable to agriculture, responsible for pollinating a wide range of crops. However, honey bee populations are in decline due to various anthropogenic and environmental stressors. Among these, pesticides and the adjuvants used to enhance their effectiveness represent significant threats. TSS are widely used in modern agriculture for their ability to improve pesticide uptake in plants. These surfactants lower the surface tension of liquids, allowing pesticides to spread more evenly and penetrate plant tissues more efficiently. Despite their benefits in agriculture, the potential risks posed by TSS to non-target organisms, particularly pollinators like honey bees, are not well understood. The literature has documented differences in the toxicity of TSS based on their functional groups, but the underlying biochemical mechanisms remain unknown. Trisiloxane surfactants can be composed of different functional groups, such as hydroxyl (-OH), methyl (-CH3), and acetyl (-COCH3), which may interact differently with biological membranes, proteins, and metabolic pathways. These structural differences likely contribute to variations in toxicity, but detailed studies on how these functional groups impact honey bee health at a molecular level are lacking. This project will explore the effects of TSS on honey bees, focusing on their acute toxicity, impact on metabolic pathways, and induction of oxidative stress. By understanding how different TSS functional groups affect honey bee physiology, we can develop more accurate risk assessments and potentially guide the development of safer agrochemical formulations that minimize harm to pollinators.
Experimental Design and Methods:
Experimental Setup: Honey Bee Caging and TSS Exposure Honey bees (Apis mellifera) will be sourced from healthy, untreated colonies and housed in experimental cages. Each cage will contain 100–200 bees, ensuring uniform conditions across experimental replicates. Bees will be divided into three treatment groups corresponding to the three TSS functional groups (-OH, -CH3, -COCH3). Each group will be exposed to 100 ppm of the respective TSS dissolved in a sugar-water solution. A control group will be fed sugar-water without any TSS. The bees will be allowed to feed on this solution ad libitum for a duration of seven days. During the exposure period, daily observations will be made to assess mortality and behavioral changes, including feeding activity, mobility, and any signs of distress. Mortality rates will be recorded, and behavioral data will be used to evaluate the acute toxicity of each TSS group.
Metabolomic Analysis: NMR Spectroscopy Following the seven-day exposure, bees from each treatment group will be collected for metabolomic analysis using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Metabolites will be extracted from whole bee homogenates and analyzed to identify changes in key metabolic pathways. NMR is particularly well-suited for detecting a broad range of metabolites, including those involved in energy metabolism (e.g., glucose, pyruvate, lactate), lipid metabolism (e.g., fatty acids, phospholipids), amino acid metabolism (e.g., glutamate, alanine), and oxidative stress (e.g., glutathione, taurine, uric acid). The NMR spectra will be processed and analyzed using software tools to quantify metabolite concentrations and identify significant differences between the control and TSS-treated groups. Pathway enrichment analysis will be performed to determine which metabolic pathways are most affected by TSS exposure.
Oxidative Stress Measurement: ROS Quantification To assess the oxidative stress induced by TSS exposure, reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels will be measured in bees from each treatment group. ROS are highly reactive molecules that can cause cellular damage and are often elevated in response to environmental stressors, including chemical exposures. ROS quantification will be performed using established biochemical assays, such as the detection of hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion production. We will determine the extent to which oxidative stress contributes to the observed toxicity by comparing ROS levels across the different TSS functional groups. This data will be integrated with metabolomic results to provide a comprehensive picture of how TSS affects honey bee physiology.
Expected Outcomes:
This study is expected to provide critical insights into how different TSS functional groups (-OH, -CH3, -COCH3) affect honey bee health. Specifically, we anticipate the following outcomes: Differential toxicity: We expect to observe differences in the acute toxicity of the three TSS groups, with the possibility that certain functional groups (e.g., -OH or -COCH3) exhibit higher toxicity than others. Metabolic disruptions: NMR metabolomics will likely reveal disruptions in key metabolic pathways, such as glycolysis, lipid metabolism, and amino acid metabolism, depending on the TSS functional group. These metabolic changes could provide clues about how TSS affect cellular energy production and detoxification. Oxidative stress: We expect to detect elevated ROS levels in bees exposed to certain TSS functional groups, indicating that oxidative stress may be a significant factor in TSS-induced toxicity. Mechanistic understanding: By integrating data from mortality, metabolomics, and oxidative stress analyses, this study will provide a comprehensive understanding of how TSS impact honey bee health at multiple biological levels. This information will be crucial for developing risk assessments and guiding safer agrochemical formulations.
Impact and Significance:
The results of this study will have significant implications for honey bee conservation and sustainable agricultural practices. By elucidating the biochemical mechanisms of TSS toxicity, we will provide the scientific basis for evaluating the risks associated with surfactants in agrochemical products. This knowledge can inform regulatory decisions and potentially lead to the development of safer pesticide formulations that reduce harm to pollinators. Moreover, this research will contribute to the broader understanding of how agricultural chemicals interact with non-target organisms, addressing a critical gap in the current knowledge of pesticide adjuvant safety. Protecting pollinators like honey bees is essential for maintaining biodiversity, ecosystem health, and agricultural productivity, making this study highly relevant to both environmental and agricultural policy.
Description of Work Environment:
The position will take place in labs including pesticide toxicology lab (Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology), honey bee lab (Department of Horticulture), and NMR Core Facility (Linus Pauling Institute) located in the main campus in Corvallis.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
Student will work with mentor and other lab members on sample preparation, experiment set up, data generation and recording, data analysis & processing in the lab. All students must promptly inform the Principal Investigator (PI) of any known allergies to honey bee stings or related substances prior to participating in any cage experiments to ensure a safe research environment
Students who have previous analytical lab experience or willing to gain toxicology and analytical laboratory experience are encouraged to apply. Students will learn skills and techniques related to sample processing, liquid and solid extraction methods, and data analysis will be gained as well as knowledge around implementation of a quality assurance/quality management system in an analytical chemistry and toxicology laboratory.
Learning outcomes:
- Obtain skills used for sample preparation, extraction, and analysis.
- Obtain skills used for an analytical chemistry laboratory such as processing qualitative and quantitative data of target and non-target compounds.
- Learn the process of experiment planning, development, execution, and reporting.
- Learn how to engage with and work collaboratively with a team of researchers.
Expected start and end date:
Spring Term
Anticipated hours per week:
Anticipated hourly wage:
Faculty Mentor Name:
Dr. Salini Sasidharan ([email protected])
Faculty Mentor Department:
Biological & Ecological Engineering
Research Modality:
In-person lab/field
Project Abstract:
This project aims to explore the innovative integration of agrivoltaics systems with water collection mechanisms to enhance sustainable agricultural practices. We will focus on the dual purpose of solar panels: generating energy and collecting runoff for irrigation. A crucial aspect of this study is investigating metal leaching from solar panel runoff and its effects on soil and water quality. Through the collected water, we will measure the concentration of heavy metals and determine whether this runoff poses risks to soil health and agricultural productivity. Students will measure soil properties such as pH, electrical conductivity, and nutrient concentrations to assess the impact of this leaching. The project will also explore pretreatment techniques to mitigate metal contamination and ensure water quality standards for agricultural use.
Project Description:
The integration of solar panels in agricultural fields, known as agrivoltaics, provides a promising solution to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability. Solar panels not only generate renewable energy but also create opportunities for water collection and management. However, runoff from these panels may contain trace metals that could impact soil health and water quality, posing a threat to agricultural productivity. This project expands on our existing funded research, which focuses on water collection from solar panels in agrivoltaic systems. Here, we aim to explicitly examine the potential for metal leaching in the collected water and its subsequent effect on soil properties. Using state-of-the-art water and soil testing techniques, the project will evaluate the presence of metals like lead, cadmium, and zinc in both the water and the soil to assess their impact on the environment.
- Assess metal leaching from solar panels: Determine the presence and concentration of metals in runoff water using techniques such as ICP-MS and assess their potential contribution to soil contamination.
- Examine soil properties: Measure soil properties such as pH, electrical conductivity, organic content, and nutrient levels to evaluate how metal leaching affects soil health.
- Evaluate pretreatment techniques: Explore and implement water pretreatment solutions to reduce the concentration of metals in the collected water before its use in irrigation systems.
The project will be conducted at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center (NWREC) in Oregon, leveraging existing agrivoltaic systems and water quality monitoring infrastructure. Students will have hands-on experience collecting water and soil samples, conducting laboratory analyses, and engaging in real-world sustainable agriculture solutions.
Description of Work Environment:
The project will primarily take place at the NWREC field site, where students will work directly with existing agrivoltaic systems. The majority of the work will involve outdoor fieldwork, collecting water and soil samples from solar panel installations. Lab-based work will include water and soil testing in the Sustainable Groundwater Quality and Quantity Innovation Lab, equipped with advanced water quality measurement instruments like ICP-MS and ICP-OES. Students will also engage with the Agrivoltaics Field at NWREC for field experiments and testing water collection efficiency.
Description of Student Responsibilities:
The student will:
- Participate in fieldwork, collecting water runoff samples from solar panels and soil samples from test plots.
- Conduct laboratory analyses to measure metal concentrations in water using ICP-MS and examine soil properties such as pH, electrical conductivity, and organic content.
- Assist in developing and implementing water pretreatment methods to reduce metal concentrations.
- Compile and interpret data, contributing to ongoing research in agrivoltaic water management.
- Attend regular project meetings to discuss progress, troubleshoot problems, and plan future work.
Preferred skills:
- Basic laboratory skills
- Interest in environmental science, water quality, or sustainable agriculture
Skills to be acquired:
- Advanced water and soil sampling techniques
- ICP-MS operation for metal detection
- Soil property measurement (pH, electrical conductivity)
- Data analysis and interpretation in environmental research
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the project, students will have gained hands-on experience in fieldwork and laboratory research related to sustainable agriculture. They will learn advanced water and soil testing techniques, gain proficiency in operating water quality measurement instruments, and understand the environmental impacts of metal leaching in agrivoltaic systems. Students will also develop critical thinking and data analysis skills, contributing to solutions for sustainable water management in agriculture.
Expected start and end date:
January 2025 to October 2025
Anticipated hours per week:
5-20, as per studets availability
Anticipated hourly wage:
$14.20; $15 after performance evaluation
For questions and information, contact:
Rachel Jones, CAS Student Engagement Coordinator
Email [email protected]