Contact Us

Emergency & Greenhouse Contact Information

Routine Work Days

The East Greenhouse office is open from 8:00am-4:30pm Monday-Friday. For any questions or concerns, call or leave a message at 541-737-2381, fax 541-737-6206.


East Greenhouse
Building 74
2801 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

West Greenhouse
Building 139
3201 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR, 97331


After Hours, Weekends, Holidays

  1. Call Campus Security at 7-7000
Non Emergencies
  1. Leave message on Greenhouse office audix at 541-737-2381
  2. Email Greenhouse Staff at
  3. Contact the resident via message number (see message #’s below)(only one resident is on duty).
  4. Contact Jim Ervin (see message #’s below)
  5. Last option call Jim Ervin (home# 541-752-6329)
Message numbers:

Jim Ervin...........541-740-1641
Resident.......... 541-740-3961

Greenhouse Phone Numbers (campus 541-73…)

Greenhouse Office ... 7-2381
West 11c12 .............. 7-5627
West 8c9 .................. 7-5628
West 15c16 .............. 7-5623

Routine service call for Facilities Services should be routed through the Greenhouse Office.

For emergencies and local ambulance service dial (9)-911

Nearest Emergency Medical Facility

Good Samaritan Hospital
3600 NW Samaritan Drive
Corvallis, OR 97330
Emergency Room: 541-768-5021

Greenhouse Operations

Jim Ervin, Greenhouse Manager
2801 SW Campus Way
Corvallis, OR 97331-7307

Phone: 541-737-2381
Fax: 541-737-6206
Email: and