Some behaviors of slugs
- Alarm mode: contract to a smaller size, when disturbed or when cold/dry; secrete differently colored mucus
- Detect the presence of ground beetles by olfactory cues: Become less active, produce excessive mucus, & tail-wagging occurs
- Neonates don’t move as far as adults in the field; eat differently than adults: primarily fungi- & algae-eaters, but can eat plant parts
- Weather can influence: Poison uptake and slug recovery
- Omnivores: feed on dead slugs, pet food, earthworms, live and decaying vegetation,and algae, fungi, lichens
- Home-bodies: Travel only short distances, unless unfavorable conditions
- Aestivate: restrict their activity (months) when conditions unfavorable
- Nocturnal: mainly night feeders, but will also feed during the day when environmental conditions are suitable
- When irritated: Can thrive in moist crevices, air gaps between clods of soil, in vole holes, earthworm burrows
- Travel per day:
- Arion lusitanicus = 9.8 ft (3 m)
- Arion hortenensis = 3 ft (1 m)
- Deroceras reticulatum = 9.8 ft (3 m); Can travel up to 40 feet (12.2 m) in one night.
Limax maximus found on the OSU campus
What they like
- 100% humidity
- Negligible wind <5mph
- Cracks and crevices
- Surface debris (e.g., straw)
- Temp 40 - 70°F (60°F)
- Light rain and fog
- Dark & shady; overcast
- Acidic soils & clay
- Cotyledons and seedlings
- Banana splits
What they don't like
- Dry conditions
- Winds > 5-10 mph
- No hiding places
- Lack of surface debris/straw
- Temp < 34°F, > 85°F
- Driving rain
- Sunlight
- Lime | sand
- Less so established plants
- Salt
Rainfall plays a big role
Rainfall is a critical environmental factor forcing slugs upward where they feed on the surface in Oct and Nov, while favorable weather conditions last. Treat when a window of opportunity exists in the fall.