Agricultural Sciences Minor
The Agricultural Sciences minor is designed for students who have an interest in agricultural sciences. The minor is ideal for students who want to add more exposure and context (broadly) within agriculture to their primary major.
The minor requirements listed below are subject to the following:
- 27 credit minimum (15 required, 12 upper division electives)
- Courses required for a major and taken in the major department may not count towards this minor.
- Students may not use variable credit courses toward the minor.
- Courses used to fulfill the requirements must be taken for a letter grade.
- Agricultural elective courses for this minor must be upper-division credits.
Minor Requirements (15 credits):
___ AG 111. Computer Applications in Agriculture (3)
___ AG 301. *Ecosystem Science of Pacific NW Indians (3)
___ AG 351. *Communicating Agriculture to the Public (3)
___ AG 412. Agricultural Safety and Health (3)
___ Lead 242. Personal Leadership Development (3)
OR LEAD 342. Team and Organizational Leadership (3)
Electives (12 upper-division credits):
Choose 12 credits of upper division courses, with a minimum of one course from three different areas of study in the College of Agricultural Sciences:
- Animal Sciences
- Rangeland Ecology and Management
- Applied Economics
- Bioresource Research
- Botany and Plant Pathology
- Crop Science
- Soil Science
- Entomology
- Environmental and Molecular Toxicology
- Fisheries and Wildlife
- Food Science and Technology
- Horticulture
- Leadership
- Sustainability
27 Credits total (15 required, 12 upper division electives)
- Understanding of major agricultural themes and issues, domestically and worldwide
- Analyze the effectiveness of agricultural practices, sustainability issues and global agricultural movements and trends.
- Understanding of the effect of broad social, economic, and environmental forces upon the agricultural industry.
- Leadership and communication skills in agricultural communities throughout the U.S. and beyond.
Future careers may include agriculture production, agribusiness, resource management, and environmental/sustainability issues, as well as education, communication and other paths of your own choosing.
For more information contact, Dawn Moyer, adviser for Agricultural Sciences