CASE Institute
Curriculum for Agricultural Science Education (CASE) is an inquiry-based national agriculture curriculum for secondary agriculture teachers. Oregon State is proud to offer summer CASE Institutes that provides the professional development for teachers for specific courses so they can offer CASE curriculum in their own programs.
Early Career Teacher Workshop
The Early Career Teacher Workshop (ECTW) is held every February on OSU’s campus, and is an open invitation to all agricultural educators, forestry and natural resource educators, and other CTE educators, with zero to five years of teaching experience. The ECTW offers 8 Professional Development Units (PDUs) and is a place to support teachers early in the profession. You can expect to choose between several workshops that are applicable to your daily teaching and program management.
Leadership Academy
The Leadership Academy is a one-year program open to all undergraduates in the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry. Selected students evaluate their leadership strengths and areas for growth and set goals for long- and short-term leadership development. Working closely with a faculty mentor, students identify on- and off-campus activities, professional development workshops and organizations that will help them take steps toward reaching their leadership development goals. Students also seek out academic coursework that will enhance their growth and complement the requirements of their chosen degrees.
Summer Ag Institute
Summer Ag Institute (SAI) is a three-credit, action-packed week-long, graduate-level class through Oregon State University that educates K-12 teachers with little or no background in agriculture. The goal of SAI is to help educators use agriculture as a context for teaching core academic subjects - science, math, social studies, and English.
Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom
Our department is proud to partner with Oregon Agriculture in the Classroom to provide assistance with curriculum development, projects, and grant opportunities for the betterment of agricultural education at all levels of the classroom.
Oregon FFA
Our department is happy to partner with Oregon FFA who are proud to provide the state of Oregon (and beyond) high school agriculture teachers.