Dear College of Agricultural Sciences and College of Forestry Ecampus students!
You are invited to apply for our new and upcoming full year Leadership Academy Ecampus Experience, offered 2024-2025! We are designing this course with Ecampus students specifically in mind. In fact, this course is restricted so only students who are listed as distance education students can register! We know that the demographics of distance students is different than that of on-campus students in that they may be older, they may not be in Corvallis/Oregon, they may be working full time or taking care of children/family, they may have had full-time professional work experience, or more! We believe that by bringing together diverse students through distance education we will be able to create a unique remote community full of leadership learning and development.
Things to know:
This course has zoom class sessions, held five times throughout each term (Fall Term 2024, Winter Term 2025, and Spring Term 2025). These zoom sessions are to be treated as regular class sessions where attendance and participation are expected.
- We will be meeting on even weeks of the term, each term (weeks 2/4/6/8/10). Our zoom meetings will be Thursdays from 4-5:20PM Corvallis, Oregon time.
- Similar to the in-person Leadership Academy, this course will be bringing in mentors and guest speakers to present to the class.
- This course is restricted to distance education students in the College of Agricultural Sciences and College of Forestry.
During Spring Term 2024 we were able to hold a single-term pilot program for this new Ecampus Leadership Academy experience. We were thrilled with the results and are excited to move forward with our first full-year offering of this program. Students who apply and participate in the 2024-2025 Ecampus Leadership Academy experience are expected to participate for all three terms of the 2024-2025 school year (Fall Term 2024, Winter Term 2025, and Spring Term 2025).