In the Intermountain West, most native wildflower seeds are usually planted in the fall. Many species require cold weather to break their seed dormancy (Forb Emergence). Some wildflower seeds require heat to break their dormancy. While ideal production conditions are only partially known, varying on the wildflower species, exploratory research at the Malheur Experiment Station has shown that planting depth can be a major contributor to the amount of emergence. Weather also has a great deal to do with the amount of emergence.
When planting wildflower seed in croplands, direct seeding is common. Although wildflowers often grow well in their native soils, there are special problems that have to be considered when planting in croplands. Damage by birds and heavy soil crusting can often be problematic. The use of soil anti-crustant products may help improve forb sprout emergence in the springtime (Native Plant Emergence). Drill Seeding (planting seeds with a drill to ensure the correct planting depth) is also a common planting method (Ramy Turf Products). Additionally, results from experiments performed at the Malheur Experiment Station show that seed cover is a benefit in establishing plant growth.