
Cutworm Damage

In May, one can spot cutworm damage in the landscape on Dutch iris. The caterpillars take an almost sadistic pleasure in waiting until the irises are nearly ready to flower before they strike. They tunnel into the swollen buds to dine on the rich resources there. Or true to name, they wait until after the blossoms unfurl, then play logger, chomping into the stem, felling the iris. Timber.

Cutworm Resources

Berry, Ralph E. 1998. Black Cutworm Factsheet. Modified from Insects and Mites of Economic Importance in the Northwest. 2nd Ed. p. 221. 13 March 2014.

Berry, Ralph E. 1998. Variegated Cutworm. Modified from Insects and Mites of Economic Importance in the Northwest. 2nd Ed. p. 221. 14 March 2014.

Black Cutoworm Factsheet. Oregon State University. 13 March 2014. .  

Collman, S. and M. Bush. 2013. Dahlia - CutwormPacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook. Hollingsworth, Craig S. (Ed.). Corvallis: Oregon State University. 13 March 2014.

Noctua Protuba - Large Yellow Underwing Moth. PNW Northwest Moths. 13 March 2014.

Opfer, P. and D. McGrath. Black cutworm and variagated cutworm. Oregon Vegetables. Oregon State University Extension. 13 March 2014.

Hahn, J. and Wold-Burkness. Cutworms in Home Gardens. University of Minnesota Extension. 13 March 2014.


Page last modified 3/13/14


Cutworm closeup

Cutworms commonly curl into a C-shape when disturbed

Cutworms commonly curl into a C-shape when disturbed

Cutworm damage on iris

Cutworm damage on iris

Cutworm feeding on iris

Cutworm feeding on iris

Cutworm feeding damage on iris

Cutworm feeding damage on iris

Cutworm damage on iris

Cutworm damage on iris

Cutworm damage on iris

Cutworm damage on iris

Cutworms damage on a leaf edge

Cutworms damage on a leaf edge

Cutworms and armyworms are caterpillars of Noctuid moths

Cutworms and armyworms are caterpillars of Noctuid moths