The Linden aphid, Eucallipterus tiliae, also known as the lime aphid, is a problem on linden trees particularly for its copious honeydew and the associated black sooty mold. Adding to management complexity, linden aphid populations can be quite high just as linden is blooming and visited by honeybees. In Oregon, several bumble bee mortality events have been associated with use of systemic insecticides to kill the linden aphid.
Chemical control
ODA pesticide Advisory: Bees and Linden Trees. June 8 2015. <21 May 2018>
Alternatives to Neonicotinoid Insecticides (except for acetamiprid) for Use on Landscape Ornamentals. [pdf]. Oregon Department of Agriculture. ,21 May 2018>
Alternatives to Neonicotinoids insecticides for use in nurseries. [pdf]. Oregon Department of Agriculture. <21 May 2018>
Hooven, L., R. Sagili, and Erik Johansen. [Free pdf]. How to Reduce Bee Poisoning from Pesticides (PNW 591)
Biocontrol efforts for this pest have not been completely successful. In Berkeley, California, there were releases and establishment of Trioxys curvicaudus for linden aphid in 1070 but later evaluation shows they did not widely disperse, there were hyperparasites of Trioxys introduced (Olkowski et al., 1982), and the wasps were not sufficiently selective. The parasitic wasp, Trioxys pallidus, also parasitises linden aphid (Dahlsten et al, 1985). There has also been work looking at the lady beetle Adalia bipuntata. Again, this was not effective for satisfactory suppression as the lady beetle larvae stopped feeding when satiated and adults tended to disperse.
Dahlsten, D. L., A. E. Hajek, D. J. Clair, S. H. Dreistadt, D. L. Rowney & V. R. Lewis. 1985. Pest management in the urban forest. Calif. Agric. 39(1-2): 21-22. Eucallipterus tiliae, Common lime aphid, Linden aphid.
Olkowski, W., H. Olkowski & R. van den Bosch. 1982. Linden aphid parasite establishment. Environ. Ent. 11: 1023-25.
Page last modified 5/16/18