General Questions

You cannot S/U a course that is required for the minor. Occasionally students S/U a class prior to entering the minor, and in this case, assuming an “S” grade was earned, you can apply this to a leadership minor course. The Leadership Theory section should be traditional letter grades. 

If you are ready to declare the minor, you need to set up an appointment with a leadership minor advisor. For questions or to set up an appointment please email: leadershipminor@oregonstate.edu or phone: 541-737-2661. If emailing, please be sure to include your OSU student ID number and your phone number to assist us in scheduling an appointment. It is also important for us to know whether you are an Ecampus student or a Corvallis campus student.  To add the minor, you will need to complete an Undergraduate Change of Minor form available on the Registrar’s website. The minor advisor will sign and complete this form during your initial appointment:  http://oregonstate.edu/registrar/forms 

On average, the Leadership Minor takes students one to two years to complete. The Leadership Minor includes a number of bac-core and upper division courses that fit within the requirements of various OSU majors; therefore, some students can complete the minor in a year. 

The Leadership Minor advisors are here to help you be successful in the minor; therefore, we encourage you to contact us as often as you need. However, there are two expected points of contact: 

  1. Prior to enrolling in the minor 

  1. Prior to beginning your applied leadership development experience 

The OSU Leadership Minor is open to all students from any department or discipline area.  Just like any OSU minor, it is designed to be taken by any OSU student and is not specific to agriculture. More importantly, the content is specific to leadership and can be applied to any academic content area.  Students participating in the minor come from every college at OSU: Engineering, Liberal Arts, Science, Business, and Public Health to name a few. 

What is industry saying?  Corey Seemiller, author of The Student Leadership Competencies Guidebook, conducted a research study examining 97 difference professional business accreditation agencies. She examined the professional competency requirements listed by these 97 professional agencies and identified 60 different leadership competency areas clustered into seven categories of personal behavior, interpersonal interaction, learning & reasoning, civic responsibility, communication, strategic planning, and group dynamics.  All of these are essential areas for your professional success and all are key components of the OSU Leadership Minor. 

For a complete outline of the OSU Leadership Minor's mission and learning outcomes, visit our home page.

Leadership development is an essential component to your professional success. Whether you are looking to land your first job, interested in advancing in your current profession, or interested in creating local, national, or global change, the leadership minor will empower you with the skills necessary to find success. 

Course Work Questions

There is no grade minimum for the leadership minor coursework, however if you are struggling academically in a minor course please do not hesitate to talk with a leadership minor advisor. 

Yes, we allow students to count some classes that may be included in the primary major. 

No. Although we traditionally encourage students to take the theory courses in the sequence (LEAD 242, LEAD 342) this is not required. However, a majority of coursework should be completed prior to enrolling in the LEAD 444 Leadership Minor Capstone Course. 


The Leadership Minor requires a total of 28 credits. Eight credits in Leadership Theory, ten credits in Trait and Skill development, and ten credits in Applied Leadership development (experience based section). Often helpful toward degree progress, a lot of our coursework is upper-division (300-400 level). 


Yes. Part of our trait and skill development courses include ROTC classes. We would encourage you to petition for some of these credits. 

Yes, please contact your leadership minor advisor to further discuss this matter.

Ideally this course should be taken as your final Leadership Minor Course. If this proves difficult, please consult with a leadership minor advisor to explore options. 

Internship (Applied Leadership Development) Questions

Yes, the applied section can be completed with a combination of coursework and internship. View the course catalog to learn more about courses offered under the Leadership Minor!

Yes, please complete the proposal process separately for the multiple experiences. 

You may complete the applied component of the minor in almost any location or setting.  However, before moving forward with your experience remember, applied leadership development credits must be approved by submitting a proposal for the experience. Review our navigation tool on how to apply for the applied leadership development credits and have your experience provide.  


Yes, but it is not required.

No. As long as you can identify that you are developing leadership skills through the experience you do not have to be in a “positional” leadership role. 

The idea of the applied component is to build upon the work and knowledge you’ve obtained through leadership theory and trait/skill development. Generally, the applied leadership development credits should be taken after you have taken some trait/skill and leadership theory coursework. 

The internships, service learning, and research credits are variable, meaning your approved credits will be based upon your time spent/involved with the experience. The general guideline for receiving Internship credits based on average hours worked per week during their term are:

Average Work

Hours/Week credits



















37-40+ 12

For example, if Julie averaged 15 hours of work per week for the entire 10-week term, she would be eligible for 4 credits. Total hours equal 150 hours.

No. We structure the applied component of the leadership minor so that you enter into the experience with defined leadership learning outcomes. Therefore, we do not count previous experiences. 

Yes, we only request that you purposefully change/include a component of your position to develop new leadership skills. 

You should contact your leadership minor advisor and communicate with them. We will accept up to 5 credits of internship experience from another major or college; however, you must pre-approve the internship with us, and meet all of our leadership minor requirements in addition to the requirements of your home major or college. 

This is common issue; please contact the course instructor as soon as possible to develop a plan. 

No, but we have developed resources to help you develop your experience. If you are still stuck after using these resources, please contact a leadership minor advisor. To access these resources you can click here.