Links to Useful Online Resources
Can't find what you need here? Send us a question, or look for other groups and agencies that might be able to answer your IPM questions.
The materials and pages that are linked here are maintained by other agencies and organizations. If you come across broken links or to suggest additional resources, please contact us.
IPM at Oregon State University
- Field Crops IPM
- National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC)
- Organic Fertilizer and Cover Crop Calculators
- OSU Croptime Models
- OSU Forage Information System
- OSU IPM Extension Publications
- OSU Nursery and Greenhouse Resources
- OSU School IPM Program
- OSU Small Farms Tree Fruits and Nuts
- OSU Vegetable Production Guides
OSU VegNet
Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks
- Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook
- Pacific Northwest Plant Disease Management Handbook
Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook
Oregon State University Labs and Services
- OSU Soil Health Lab
- OSU Extension Services Locator
- OSU Food Safety and Environmental Stewardship Program
- OSU Nematode Testing Service
- OSU Plant Clinic
Statewide Resources (Oregon)
- Food Alliance
- Oregon Tilth
- Salmon Safe
- LIVE Viticulture Certification
- Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA)
- Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
- Oregon Invasive Species Council
- USDA Service Center Locator
- USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine (APHIS PPQ) - Oregon
- USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
Pacific Northwest Resources
- Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center
- Pesticide Information Center Online (PICOL)
- Western Extension Risk Management Education Center
Western United States Resources
- Arizona Pest Management Center
- Bio-Integral Resource Center
- Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk Project
- IR-4 Program-Western Region
- Organic Farming Research Foundation
- UC Statewide IPM Program
- USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) - Pacific West
- USDA Western IPM Center
- Utah State IPM Extension
- Washington Invasive Species Council
- Western Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (WSARE)
- Western Plant Diagnostics Network (WNPDN)
National Resources
- IPM Institute of North America
- National IPM Database
- National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
- National School IPM Information Source
- National Agricultural Pest Information System (NAPIS)
- National Pesticide Information Center
- National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Chemical Use Database
- Organic Materials Review Institute
- US Environmental Protection Agency: Pesticides Division
- US Geological Survey (USGS)
- USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS)
- USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
- USDA Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES)
- USDA IR-4 Program
- USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
- USDA NIFA Pest Management Program
- USDA National Invasive Species Information Center
- USDA National Organic Program
- USDA National Plant Diagnostic Network (NPDN)
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
- USDA Regional IPM Centers