Greetings College of Agricultural Sciences students!
Your College is looking for qualified leaders to serve as student representatives for the Colleges of Agricultural Sciences, as well as Oregon State University.
Corvallis-campus and Ecampus students are encouraged to apply!
Would you enjoy developing and enhancing your public speaking, communication and time management skills? Are you interested in improving your individual and group dynamics, while engaging in activities that promote OSU?
Ambassadors represent CAS at a variety of events and programs that support the college’s recruitment, social media and communication campaigns, current student services, international programs, experiential education, and alumni, donor and industry relations. Ambassadors present information and facilitate discussions at on- and off- campus functions and virtual events, participate in professional conferences, attend alumni and industry events, and give agricultural sciences-related presentations and campus tours.
We look forward to meeting you,
The College of Agricultural Sciences Ambassadors
The application to the be part of the CAS Ambassador team in 2024-2025 will open in Spring 2024. Stay tuned!
Interested? Take a look at the Ambassador Position Description which outlines duties, qualifications, and the application process itself.