MSP News and Activities

Oregon State University receives more than $1 million in federal grants

Dr. Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez, the associate dean of academic programs for OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences, said the federal grant funds will help foster opportunities in agriculture, food, and natural resource areas for underrepresented communities. Read the full story

2023 Academic Programs Staff Development Workshop

2023 Academic Programs Staff Development Workshop - APLU

The APLU Academic Programs Staff Development Workshops are designed to encourage networking among peers in performing similar activities across the country and provide professional development through training that stirs creativity by hearing from how other institutions deal with the same issues.

Academic programs staff provide support services and programming to students and faculty in their respective colleges. Such activities include: student recruitment, career services, study abroad coordination, advising support, undergraduate research, scholarship administration, and diversity, equity and inclusion training. In many cases, individual staff may be expected to shoulder several of these responsibilities within their respective college. This workshop was designed to strengthen expertise through peer knowledge sharing.

Diversity and Inclusive Excellence Session

MSP Scholars Attend 2013 MANRRS ConferenceAward

Emily Escobedo, Cynthia Le, Jorge Lopez-Contreras, Omar Miranda, and Elyssa Trejo, and MSP Mentors Kim Melendez-Rivera and Arlyn Moreno Luna, attended the 2013 MANRRS conference, March 21-23, 2013 in Sacramento, CA, among a total of 12 undergraduate students, 2 graduate students and 2 faculty members (Wanda Crannell, and Dr. Dana Sanchez). Additionally, eight students from RoseMary Anderson High School,  Jr. OSU MANRRS Chapter in Portland, OR and two RAHS faculty members Mr. Mike Napoli, instructor and Ms. Leigh Rappaport, were there. Link to complete report.

New 2012 MSP newsletter available HERE.

MSP Scholars represent OSU as Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resource Ambassadors

AmbassadorsAlejandra Marquez Loza and Maritne Torres joined the ranks of Ag Ambassadors for 2011-2012, representing OSU throughout the state. Only twelve OSU students are chosen for this responsible position.

Alejandra Marquez Loza becomes Goldwater Scholar

alejandraMs. Alejandra Marquez Loza is one of 282 students in the US this year to become a Goldwater Scholar. The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program was established by Congress in 1986 to honor Senator Barry M. Goldwater. The purpose of the Foundation is to provide a continuing source of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by awarding scholarships to college students who intend to pursue careers in these fields. Scholarships cover eligible expenses for tuition, fees, books, and room and board. 

Goldwater scholars, nominated by their home colleges or universities, are chosen based on academic merit. Alejandra, a native of Mexico City who grew up in Puerto Rico, has been honored before: for example, she is a USDA-NIFA Multicultural Scholars Program scholarship recipient, and also serves as a 2011/12 Ambassador for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources at Oregon State.

MSP Scholar Martine Torres Featured in article about BRR in the Corvallis Gazette Times

Martine Torres

According to a September 6 article in the local newspaper, our "Innovative major gives students special opportunities for success. Launched 20 years ago within the College of Agricultural Sciences, the interdisciplinary science major provides tremendous research opportunities for undergraduates by requiring students to complete a thesis by graduation; this gives them the chance to work with faculty mentors on unique research and ultimately write and present their findings at their thesis defense."  

The GT writer, Gail Cole, interviewed MSP Scholar Martine Torres as an example of a BRR student: "Martine Torres wants to give people living in impoverished areas around the world greater access to clean water. 'A lot of children die from a lack of clean water or just a lack of water," Torres said. "I thought that was not acceptable.' "

The article goes on to describe Martine's search for an academic program addressing water resources, and her research using algae to clean contaminated water, with Biological and Ecological Engineering professor Ganti Murthy.

Read more

Martine Torres and Vananh Nguyen featured in KEZI story about MANRRS Career Wardrobe Makeover Event

On January 11, newswoman Heather Turner from KEZI did a TV story about the MANRRS Career Wardrobe Makeover Event, featuring interviews with Martine Torres and Vananh Nguyen. The event, which will be held on February 10 in the MU Ballroom, makes nicer business attire available for students to purchase at low prices. 

As Vananh said, "Poor college students can't really afford a suit sometimes, and it can reflect poorly on them when they're trying to get a job." Martine added, "It increases their chances of getting a job or internship or whatever they're applying for."

See the story here:

MSP Story in Oregon's Agricultural Progress

Oregon's Agricultural Progess, a news magazine put out by the College of Agricultural Sciences Extension and Experiment Station Communications, and containing news of Oregon's agricultural research and progress, has a summer 2010 story about the MSP, which includes pictures of Emily and Omar. To see it, click here.

First MSP Newsletter Published!  Download here!

MSP Mentor AnnaRose Adams served as editor, and several other students were involved. The MANRRS GTA, Smit Vasquez-Caballero, is now working on translating a Spanish version.  

Plans for a Busy and Productive Summer! (2010)

  • Emily Escobedo has received PROMISE Program sponsorship from OSU Office of Community and Diversity and will be working for the National Pesticide Information Center. NPIC provides objective, science-based information about pesticides and pesticide-related topics to enable people to make informed decisions. NPIC is a cooperative agreement between OSU and the US Environmental Protection Agency. This internship will help Emily advance her career goal of protecting migrant workers and their families from exposure to pesticides.
  • Omar Miranda-Garcia has also begun an internship that relates to his career goal, which is improving the health and nutrition of minority populations. He will be assisting OSU Extension with Oregon Nutrition Education Program (SNAP ED) providing English/Spanish nutritional outreach to low-income families in Linn and Benton Counties.
  • Martine Torres is back from Honduras, where she participated in Water Brigade and is beginning her research with Dr. Ganti Murthy, funded by the Subsurface Biosphere Initiative. Since Martine's long-term goals related to working in the field of water and public health related issues in developing countries, both Water Brigade and her new research on water pollution in India will help take her there.
  • Ashley Seeley has started work with Dr. Michelle Kutzler in the Vet School and is preparing for her 5-week Study Abroad in Spain later in the summer. Bilingual, she plans to become a veterinarian with the ability to serve Spanish-speaking populations, so this research project and study abroad should fit right in.
  • Tiffany Harper is currently working with Dr. Sujaya Rao (OSU Horticulture) on Native Bee Pollinators in Agriculture and Natural Landscapes. TIffany's career goals involve working in local agriculture, sustainability, marketing, and education, so this job should lead to something good!

Two MSP scholars ready to start research projects

The first step in beginning a research project is to find a research mentor whose research is a good fit with your interests. MSP scholars Martine Torres and Ashley Seeley have done just that! Martine has chosen (and been accepted by) Biological and Ecological Engineering professor Ganti Murthy--her research will be related to her Water Resources option. Ashley has chosen (and been accepted by) College of Veterinary Medicine professor Michelle Kutzler--her research will be related to her Animal Reproduction and Development option. Congratulations!

MSP Students Elected as OSU MANRRS Officerstiffany at MANRRS

Tiffany Harper has been elected to serve as OSU MANRRS Chapter Parliamentarian for the 2010/2011 academic year. Tiffany, a native of Junction City and a veteran FFA (Future Farmers of America) officer, has just finished her freshman year at OSU.


Alejandra Marquez has been elected to serve as OSU MANRRS Chapter Secretary for the 2010/2011 academic year. Alejandra, a native of Mexico City who has also lived in Ponce, Puerto Rico, is the newest MSP scholar. She is about to begin her sophomore year.



MSP Students Participate in Relay for Life

A number of MSP scholars and mentors joined the OSU MANRRS team to participate in the Relay for Life, an American Cancer Society Fundraiser at Oregon State University held April 14 & 15, 2010. The MANRRS chapter team was among the top 20 relay teams (out of more than 80 participating teams), recognized for raising greater than $1000! 

Martine Torres, Vananh Nguyen, and Alejandra Marquez



MSP Scholar Martine Torres, MSP Mentor Vananh Nguyen, and newest MSP Scholar Alejandra Marquez

Posing in the Union: Preparing for the Florida trip

All of the MSP Scholars except Danielle (who is going home to Texas), and the MSP Mentors and Associate, are going to the national MANRRS Convention in Orlando over spring break! The OSU Barometer has a front-page picture (missing Tiffany). For the Barometer story, click here.

MSP students in MU before Florida


Back row: Danielle Naylor, Emily Escobedo, Omar Garcia. Front row: Martine Torres, Ashley Seeley

Media credit: Billy Newman, Daily Barometer


MSP Scholars, Mentors, and Associates go to National MANRRS Conference

The trip to Florida, led by intrepid BRR adviser Wanda Crannell, was a huge success for OSU MANRRS and the MSP Scholars, Associates, and Mentors. As usual, OSU students came home with plenty of honors and success stories. In the MSP group, AnnaRose Adams won 1st place in the Oral Undergraduate Research Division 1 Physical and Life Sciences Competition. Vananh Nguyen was 4th in the Undergraduate Research Poster Contest. The judges were most impressed by the quality and quantity of research she had done! Eva Arndt was elected as Region VI Undergraduate VP for 2010-11. And, Dominique Sabedra, Tiffany Harper, and AnnaRose Adams each shared their experiences during the Take it to the Next Level: Generating and Accepting Diverse Professionals workshop by Mae Marsh.

Way to go, MSP group!  Check out the palm trees in the background of the pictures.


MSP Scholars in Florida



MSP Scholars: Omar Garcia, Emily Escobedo, Tiffany Harper, Ashley Seeley and Martine Torres.


MSP group in Florida



The whole MSP group: Dominique Sabedra, Eva Arndt, Omar Garcia, Emily Escobedo, Tiffany Harper, Ashley Seeley, Martine Torres, AnnaRose Adams, and Vananh Nguyen. 





But who is this?


Volunteering at Community Outreach

MSP scholars and mentors recently joined a Saturday work party organized by OSU MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences) to assist Community Outreach Inc. Community Outreach provides for the basic needs of the mid-Willamette Valley's homeless and poor -stabilizing those in crisis, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, healing the sick, and counseling the mentally ill and addicted. Volunteer participants accomplished many tasks including organizing supplies, painting rooms, washing windows, transporting items, cleaning walls, landscaping, and cleaning the children's play area. 


Tiffany Harper and Eva Arndt       Omar Miranda-Garcia and Emily Escobedo