The College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University is Oregon's principal source of knowledge relating to agricultural and food systems, and a major source of knowledge regarding environmental quality, natural resources, life sciences, and rural economies and communities worldwide. The College provides undergraduate and graduate education leading to baccalaureate and graduate degrees, and extended education programs throughout Oregon and beyond. Its research programs create knowledge to solve problems and to build a knowledge base for the future. It is a source of information and expertise in integrating and applying knowledge with benefits that are felt in domestic and international settings.
College of Agricultural Sciences | Oregon IPM Center
Announcing the Oregon IPM Center!
Big changes are happening for the Integrated Plant Protection Center at Oregon State University. In addition to expanding to include more programs, the IPPC is getting a fresh new name: Oregon IPM Center! The new moniker reflects the mission of the center to promote and discover new ways of thinking in sustainable agriculture and integrated pest management statewide and beyond. The Oregon IPM Center will continue to be based on the Oregon State University campus in Corvallis, as the IPPC had been since its creation in 1967.;
A Catalyst for IPM Innovation
Oregon IPM Center will continue to develop research and education partnerships in subjects that include agro-ecology, adaptation to climate change, pesticide risk management, and participatory educational materials and events. The Oregon IPM Center promotes conversation and collaboration among scientists, farming groups, regulatory agencies and policy makers to address urgent global problems in agriculture. As the home of the State IPM Coordinator, the Oregon IPM Center is committed to promoting the sharing of ideas and information among state agencies regarding IPM methods, best practices, successes and challenges throughout the state.
A Reuniting of Core Programs
Along with the current core programs of promoting IPM implementation and integration, creating predictive pest and disease management tools, and reducing pesticide-related health and environmental risks, Oregon IPM Center will rejoin with some existing programs. The center will now include OSU’s Pesticide Safety and Education program, which promotes the Worker Protection Standard to protect professional pesticide applicators. Oregon IPM Center will also include capacity building for extension faculty in developing and delivering effective IPM education programs. Oregon IPM Center will continue to partner with other IPM-related groups at OSU including Pollinator Health, IR-4, Solve Pest Problems, the OSU Plant Clinic, OSU's School IPM Program, and the National Pesticide Information Center.
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Learn more about the new Oregon IPM Center, including current projects, online tools, additions to staff, and more about the center’s history, by visiting our website, or contact Chris Hedstrom, IPM Outreach and Communications Coordinator, at [email protected].