To recognize superior and distinguished interdisciplinary team achievements through teaching, research, international, or extended education activities of faculty and staff. Presentation of this award will serve to highlight the importance of an interdisciplinary team effort in achieving the goals of the College of Agricultural Sciences, Oregon State University and of Oregon agriculture, and to show in a tangible way that the College stands strongly behind such efforts.
The award will consist of a commemorative award presented to each team member and a cash award of $4,000 for the team.
The nominees must include faculty or staff members in the College of Agricultural Sciences at Oregon State University. For purposes of this award, a team will be defined as two or more people working toward a specific objective. Interdisciplinary teams will involve the participation of persons trained in different fields and with unique skills. An interdisciplinary team can exist within a single administrative unit, but more frequently will cross interdepartmental, intercollegiate, intercampus or inter-institutional administrative lines. Recognition will be for sustained team efforts which have produced substantial results in research, teaching, extended education, and international programs, or any combination of these, during the past three year period.
The same team may receive the award more than once if continuing nominations clearly identify productive progress since the earlier award.
Nominations will be evaluated on the basis of excellence demonstrated in the following areas:
- Ingenuity, productivity, and impact.
- Influence of team effort on the success of the project or problem.
- A project or problem identification and strategy.
In addition to the base nomination materials required for all awards, nomination packets must also include:
- A summary that includes the program title and description, team member names, titles, and FTE assignments.
- A professional resume of each team member.
- The included letters of support should document the interdisciplinary nature and impact of the team effort and must include one from outside the University.
The award is provided jointly by E. R. Jackman and the contributions of James and Mildred Oldfield and their friends.