To recognize outstanding teachers in the College of Agricultural Sciences.
The recipient will receive $1,100 and a plaque. The winner will also be named to the Registry of Distinguished Teachers. All other nominees selected as award recipients will be added to the Registry of Distinguished Teachers and will receive a commemorative award.
In addition to the base nomination materials required for all awards, nomination packets must also include:
- Nominees must be teaching (have assigned FTE) in the College of Agricultural Sciences at the time of nomination, with a minimum of three years teaching experience at Oregon State University with major involvement in at least one course per year.
- A person may receive the R. M. Wade Award only once.
- Persons selected for the Registry of Distinguished Teachers may be nominated for the R. M. Wade Award in subsequent years.
- A person on the Registry of Distinguished Teachers may again be nominated for the same Registry after three years have elapsed.
Awards will be made on the following basis:
- Mastery of subject matter.
- Ability to motivate and stimulate.
- Ability to communicate.
- Innovation.
- Evidence of favorable student and peer response.
In addition to the base nomination materials required for all awards, nomination packets must also include:
- A summary of the instructor and course evaluations.
- A position description that includes FTE distribution. This may be included in the summary of the instructor and course evaluations if it is not available in the position description.
- The supporting letters should include letters from both current or former students and faculty colleagues.
- A professional resume.
The cash award for Excellence in Teaching is sponsored by the R. M. Wade Foundation.
Registry of R. M. Wade Award for Excellence in Teaching
Registry of Distinguished Teachers